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The fastest way to sleep?
Spending more time trying to fall asleep rather than actually sleeping? You’re not alone.
And if your mind can’t sleep, it’s really difficult for your body to follow. But there are scientific tricks you can try to flip the switch and guide your body into a safe shutdown mode.
We cover some science-based tricks to help you fall asleep faster.
笔记:The method below takes a full 120 seconds to finish, but the last 10 seconds is said to be truly all it takes to finally snooze.
The popular military method, which was first reported by沙龙阿克曼那comes from a book titled “Relax and Win: Championship Performance.”
4-7-8 breathing method
Mixing together the powers of meditation and visualization,this breathing methodbecomes more effective with practice. If you have a respiratory condition, such as asthma or COPD, consider checking with your doctor before beginning, as this could aggravate your symptoms.
To prepare, place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind your two front teeth. Keep your tongue there the whole time and purse your lips if you need to.
前提是要紧张 - 但不是压力 - 你的肌肉,放松以释放张力。这种运动促进了整个身体的宁静。这是一个推荐的伎俩help with insomnia。
Before you start, try practicing the 4-7-8 method while imagining the tension leaving your body as you exhale.
As you do this, focus on how relaxed and heavy your body feels when it’s relaxed and in a comfortable state.
If the previous methods still didn’t work, there might be an underlying blockage you need to get out. Try these techniques!
Tell yourself to stay awake
Also called paradoxical intention, telling yourself to stay awake may be a good way to fall asleep faster.
对于人 - 特别是那些有失眠的人 - 试图睡眠可以提高性能焦虑。
Visualize a calm place
If counting activates your mind too much, try engaging your imagination.
Some say that visualizing something can make it real, and it’s possible this works with sleep, too.
在一个2002 study from the University of Oxford,研究人员发现,从事“Imagery Distract”的人比那些普遍分心或没有指示的人更快地睡着了。
There’s not enough research to confidently determine if acupressure truly works. However, the research that’s available is promising.
One method is to target areas you know and feel are particularly tense, such as the upper part of your nose bridge or your temples.
1. Spirit gate
2. Inner frontier gate
尝试投资遮光窗帘那白噪音机器(或用自动停止计时器听音乐),和ear plugs那all of which you can buy online.您可以在我们的睡眠商店中浏览更多产品,以获得最佳ZS。
On the other hand,sleep hygiene, 要么clean sleep,真实有效。
Before you truly take on the military method or 4-7-8 breathing, see what you can optimize to your bedroom for soundless slumber.