
There’s no denying that one of the best parts of waking up is downing thatfresh cup of coffee。但是您知道什么也是开始新的一天的好方法?做早上的性爱。

That’s right — getting busy when you first wake up has all the benefits of drinking coffee and more. Morning sex helps ease you into your workday. It can boost your energy levels and relieve stress.Having an orgasm绝对可以改善您的心情。而且,最重要的是,您与伴侣建立联系。

To be honest, there’s no reason why you不应该incorporate morning sex into your daily schedule. Read on to learn why.

Science agrees: Morning sex is where it’s at. That’s because…

1. Your body is primed and ready to go

早晨是做爱的绝佳时机,因为坦率地说,您的身体已经准备好了。这是因为在此期间,雌激素和睾丸激素水平处于峰值。为什么重要?出色地,one 2013 studyfound that your libido is affected by your hormone levels —the higher they are, the friskier you feel.


Speaking of hormones: The more testosterone, the better the sex. High睾丸激素水平will boost your partner’s libido and improve sexual function, according to one 2007 study 。One older 评论于2000年发表 also found that higher testosterone levels can increase erection strength.


Morning sex can bring you and your partner closer together. How so? 性产生催产素 , also known as the “cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin is the chemical in the brain that controls love and bonding. When it’s released during sex, you’ll feel more connected to your partner.

4. It’s a stress reliever

想摆脱压力吗?Then have morning sex.One 2010 studyfound that pleasurable activities can reduce your stress hormone levels. That means climaxing before you head to work can put you in a great mood for the rest of the day.

5. It releases endorphins

Morning sex produces内啡肽, the magical pain-relieving chemicals in your body that help boost your mood. That’s why you usually feel happier after you’ve climaxed. So why not start your day with a chipper attitude?

6. It counts as a workout

当然,早晨的性爱可能不等同于在跑步机上跑步一个小时,但仍然是one hell of a workout。性烧伤about five calories per minute, according to research from the Harvard Medical School. That’s the same as going for a walk. Wouldn’t you rather burn at least 75 calories with a morning quickie, though?

7. It’s good for your brain

Want to give your brain power a boost? Morning sex is the answer. Multiple studies show that getting busy releases a mix of神经递质and 激素 — in particular, dopamine, the feel-good hormone — that can benefit brain health and cognition.

8. It boosts your immune system

当然,维生素C可能会为您的免疫系统带来奇迹。但是早上也变得怪异。一个研究人员2015年研究discovered that sex can boost your immunity by triggering your body’s natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and other germs.

9. It can help you look younger

Morning sex may be your very own fountain of youth.Some experts认为性别是看起来年轻的关键,因为它会释放催产素,β内啡肽和其他抗炎分子。BBC News报道说,较旧的研究表明,每周至少做爱三次可以使您看起来比性爱较少的人年轻几岁。Orgasms can even benefit your skin in several ways!

Spontaneous morning sex is great, but it doesn’t always have to happen spur-of-the-moment. You can pencil your frisky time into your schedule and still have steamy sessions. Read on for some tips on how to fit morning sex into your daily routine, and keep it hot.

1. Worried about time?

在白天早期做爱可能会陷入您的morning routine,但事实并非如此。您可以提前设置警报20分钟或一个小时,如果您有野心的话 - 并在淋浴之前做爱。或者,不要打贪睡按钮,而是忙!


No one blames you if you don’t want to trade in precious sleep time for morning sex. But you can still do the dirtyand拿你的beauty rest。通过一起淋浴来节省水,并在您使用时快速浏览水。这对环境和身体有好处。

3. Think you’re going to be too tired?

Sure, you’ll probably be groggy in the morning — who isn’t? But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little romp in bed. Go for positions that don’t require much of you, like spooning or doggy. You can feel pleasure without the cardio.

4. Not in the mood just yet?

One word: Foreplay. Tease each other in bed by stimulating each other’s色情区域, such as the乳头, behind the ears, or the neck. As you start to get into the mood, have your partner give you oral, or vice versa. Once you’re really hot and heavy, you’ll be ready to get frisky.

5. Worried about bad breath?

No one likes早上呼吸,但不要阻止你得到的。Keep mints by the bed or avoid face-to-face positions. Doggy style, spooning, and lotus are all perfect positions if you want to limit your exposure to bad morning breath.



7. Worried about lighting?



Not completely sold on morning sex? Then think about other ways you can get frisky without intercourse. You could always ask for oral with an IOU for later on in the day.

Morning sex doesn’t have to be boring! You can have a lot of fun even if you’re still tired. And with these positions, you won’t even have to show off your acrobatic skills (you know you’ve got them). Really, it’s a win-win for everyone.

1. Spooning


2. Doggy

老实说:每个人都喜欢狗狗。小狗风格是一个非常适合的经典位置deep thrustingand offers a lot of pleasure to both parties. Stand on all fours on the bed or the floor while, on their knees, your partner penetrates you from behind with their penis, fingers, or a sex toy. Or you could switch it up by bending over the bed with your partner standing up. This is also a great position for oral sex — your partner should lay on their back while you stand on all fours above their head.

3. The hot wrap

The hot wrap is a steamy position perfect for finger play. After you lie on your back, have your partner climb on top of you. Have them lay on you, with their back pressed against your body. Reach your arm around their hips and start to stimulate their clitoris using your fingers or a vibrator. You can use your other hand to play with their nipples.


Want to be in control? Then try the cowgirl position. It’s another fun, classic position that lets you take charge of your pleasure. To do this, straddle your partner as they lie on their back, allowing you to control speed and depth of penetration as you ride. Make sure to alternate between shallow and deep thrusts for maximum satisfaction.

5. The side 69

The side 69 is the perfect position for giving and getting oral without having to put much work into it. While lying down on your side, turn around and face your partner. Then, still on your side, switch the position of your head so you’re able to stimulate their genitals and vice versa.

6. Ankle choker

真实的谈话:脚踝窒息是书中最热门的性爱动作之一。在这个位置上,您的腿抬起,您的腿躺在背上,伴侣正面对您。到位后,让脚靠在伴侣的肩膀上。您还可以让您的伴侣将他们的一只手臂缠绕在脚踝上,以使双腿闭合,并伸到胸部的一侧。为了deeper penetration,让您的伴侣向前推双腿,以使您折成两半。

7. The black swan

Looking to having a morning独奏? Then try the black swan. Lie on your stomach, face down, with your hand under your side. Start to stimulate yourself with your fingers or toy, whichever your preference.

The benefits of morning sex are endless: Your energy is through the roof. You’re not as stressed. You bond with your partner. You can look years younger.

另外,你开始your workday off with a little — or a lot! — of fun. There’s no reason not to add a little romp between the sheets to your daily morning routine. If every day is a bit too adventurous, aim for three times a week.