

All women of childbearing age (whether planning a pregnancy or not) should get at least 400 mcg or folate every day. The proper amount of folate can help prevent neural tube birth defects, which is essential at conception of a baby. Folate also helps lower risk of heart disease. Foods high in folate include:

  • 橙子
  • asparagus
  • beans
  • fortified grains (breads, cereals)


纤维helps prevent constipation and other digestive disorders. It also helps regulate blood sugar and control weight. High fiber foods include:

  • beans
  • 全谷类
  • 高纤维谷物
  • fruits and vegetables


  • beef
  • 家禽
  • pork
  • fish
  • beans
  • 绿叶格力ns


Calcium is key to maintaining strong bones and teeth. Calcium-rich foods include:

  • milk
  • 酸奶
  • cheese
  • fortified foods

Vitamin D


  • fish
  • milk
  • fortified foods
  • egg yolks

Since it can be difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone, you may want to consider a supplement of 1000 IU per day. Get blood levels tested and consult with your doctor to determine the proper level.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids


  • salmon
  • herring
  • mackerel
  • albacore tuna
  • sardines

如果您每周不吃几次鱼,请考虑每天1000毫克的EPA + DHA补充剂。如果您是不吃鱼的素食主义者,您还可以在藻类补充剂中找到EPA/DHA脂肪酸。


These two types of fat can increase inflammation and LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol levels in your body. To limit intake of saturated and trans fats, avoid foods like:

  • 高脂肪肉类
  • 牛油
  • high-fat cheese
  • 全脂牛奶
  • fried foods
  • hydrogenated oils

Simple Sugar and Refined Grains

These two types of carbohydrates can cause spikes and drops in blood sugar leading to feelings of fatigue. They can also increase inflammation. Avoid foods with simple sugars and refined grains like:

  • white varieties of flour
  • 添加糖的食物,包括:corn syrup,稻糖浆,dextrose,maltose,蔗糖,honey, andmolasses.


Even a few drinks per week have been linked to increased risk of certain cancers (including breast cancer). Limit all alcohol to the most one drink per day. Alcohol includes beer, wine, and distilled spirits (hard liquor), and ‘one drink’ is considered to be:

  • five ounce wine
  • 12盎司啤酒
  • 1.5 ounce (shot) liquor

If you are already at high-risk for cancer, you should limit even further, or avoid alcohol completely.

Excess calories

If your daily caloric intake is too high based on caloric expenditure, you will gain weight. Carrying excess weight increases risk of numerous chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and arthritis. Limit large portions; instead of having big meals, eat light and eat often to spread calories out throughout the day.