What is yucca?

Yuccas are common garden plants with pointed leaves. There are many species of the plant, and the fruits, seeds, and flowers are often eaten. (Yucca shouldn’t be confused with yuca, which is a root vegetable also known as cassava.)

Yucca offers numerous health benefits and is often used medicinally. Parts of the yucca plant can be incorporated into your diet. It can also be used topically to treat skin conditions or wounds. Most commonly, yucca is taken as a supplement.

yucca含有大量的vitamin C抗氧化剂,两者都可以使免疫系统和整体健康有益。

维生素C o刺激生产和活动f white blood cells, which fight infections and viruses.


Native Americans have long used yucca for relief from关节炎symptoms, and yucca supplements (often in tablet form) are frequently taken for the same purpose today. Yucca has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe pain.

Some research 表明关节炎高风险风险的人可能会通过服用yucca来防止其发病。


Yucca provides multiple skin benefits.Studies已经表明,Yucca具有光保护性能,并且可能能够比某些商业SPF更好地防止太阳损伤。


  • dandruff
  • balding
  • 疮和切割
  • 扭伤
  • 皮肤病和感染


Yucca can still boost health in people withdiabetes。有证据表明Yucca有助于调节血糖。


Oxidative stress(我们的细胞中的一种不平衡)可能对我们的身体造成严重损害。随着时间的推移,它有助于帕金森病,Alzheimer’s disease,心脏衰竭, and inflammatory conditions. There is evidence that compounds in yucca, including antioxidants, help protect our bodies from oxidative stress.

A 2013年研究 even found significant decreases in damage from oxidative stress in mice that were given yucca supplements. The researchers found that the yucca had a protective effect against the degeneration of multiple organs.

Yucca supplements can sometimes cause side effects, including:

  • 胃部不适
  • vomiting
  • 苦味道
  • 恶心

Children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding shouldn’t take yucca supplements without the supervision of a doctor. There isn’t enough research to prove its safety, so it’s better to be cautious.


It isn’t recommended to take yucca for more than three months consecutively. It can interfere with the body’s absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

The FDA doesn’t monitor dietary supplements in the same way they do medication. Do your research on the company you choose to buy from.

Topical forms of yucca are also available as soaps, shampoos, and lotions. You can take yucca extract through oral supplements as well, in powder or liquid form.

If you decide to take yucca supplements, ask your doctor about the right dose. There isn’t a set safe amount, but your doctor can help you determine this on an individual basis. Never take more than your doctor recommends.