
也许你uncomfortable with the appearance of bulging veins on your hands. Or maybe you’re worried it’s a sign of a medical problem.

For most people, bulging hand veins are normal and a cosmetic issue, and the veins in their arms and hands are functioning normally. For very few people, bulging veins are a symptom of bigger problem. Learn what could be causing bulging hand veins and your treatment options.


  • Low body fat.If youdon’t have much faton your hands, your veins can be more prominent.
  • Age.As you get older, your skin gets thinner and loses elasticity, making your veins more visible. Also, as you age, your valves in your veins weaken. This can cause blood to pool in your veins for a longer period of time. This enlarges the vein.
  • Exercise.当你exercise, your blood pressure rises and your veins are pushed closer to your skin. Once yourblood pressuredrops to normal, your hand veins become less prominent. Exercising on a regular basis, however, can make bulging hand veins permanent — especially if you do a lot ofstrength training exercises。在健身房或工作中反复举重通常会导致血液流动增加和肌肉的硬化。这可能会导致突出的静脉。
  • 遗传学。If you haveimmediate family memberswith bulging veins, there’s a chance you’ll have them, too.
  • 热的天气。High temperatures can make it more difficult for your vein valves to work correctly. This can enlarge your veins.
  • 静脉曲张。More likely to be found in the leg than the hand,静脉曲张当您的静脉阀变弱时出现。这使它们在防止血液向后流动的效率降低。静脉曲张会变得扭曲,扩大和痛苦。
  • Phlebitis.If a hand infection, trauma, orautoimmune diseasecauses a vein tobecome inflamed, the vein could swell.
  • 浅表血栓性。浅表血栓性is an inflammation of a superficial vein (phlebitis) caused by a blood clot (thrombus). It can occur due to an injury of a vein, like after having an IV catheter inserted.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).A bulging hand vein could be the result of a血块深处的血块of the arm.


The treatment for bulging hand veins depends on the cause. Once your doctor gives you the correct diagnosis, treatment can be determined and started.

在most cases, treatment of bulging hand veins has to do with cosmetics rather than health. The cosmetic treatments are basically the same as the treatment for varicose veins:

  • Sclerotherapyis a process of注入化学溶液into targeted veins, causing them to scar and close.
  • Endovenous ablation therapyis often calledlaser therapy。这是较小的静脉的理想选择。在laser therapy, your doctor uses amplified light or radio waves to close veins.
  • Ambulatory phlebectomyis the removal of the targeted veins via small incisions. It involveslocal anesthesia
  • Vein stripping and ligationclose the vein that supplies blood to the targeted vein. While you’re undergeneral anesthesia, your doctor will make an incision, tie off the vein, and remove it.

在these procedures, after your doctor closes the targeted vein, the blood that used to run in the vein is automatically shifted. The closed vein eventually fades away.

在the unlikely event your bulging veins are a sign of a more serious condition, your doctor will offer a specific medical response.

如果您收到诊断phlebitis, your doctor will most likely prescribeanti-inflammatory treatment, antibiotic therapy along withwarm compresses和手臂的抬高,或两者兼而有之。

如果您收到血栓囊肿的诊断,您的医生可能不建议处方治疗。在不到两周的时间内,通常在皮肤表面附近的静脉中的凝块自然被吸收。如果是swelling, your doctor might suggest an over-the-counter medication or prescribe medicine to relieve it. Otherwise, the treatment is similar to that for phlebitis.

If you have DVT, your doctor will likely prescribe you ananticoagulant blood thinner。如果血液稀释剂不起作用或您的DVT严重,您的医生可能会接受溶栓疗法。这也称为“凝块克星”疗法。

Bulging hand veins don’t indicate a serious medical indication for the majority of people.

如果您担心您的突出手静脉可能是严重的症状 - 或者您只是不喜欢它们的外观,请与您的医生预约。如果有严重的问题,他们可以建议治疗。如果您希望将它们删除是出于美容目的,那么您的医生将为您提供最佳程序。