Gout attacks, or flares, are caused by a buildup of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid is a substance your body makes when it breaks down other substances, called purines. Most of the uric acid in your body dissolves in your blood and leaves in your urine. But for some people, the body makes too much uric acid or doesn’t remove it quickly enough. This leads to high levels of uric acid in your body, which can lead to gout.


While we don’t yet have a cure for gout, short- and long-term medications are available to help keep your symptoms under control.



非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS):这些药物可以在柜台上获得,因为配合了布洛芬(Motrin,advil)和萘普生(Aleve)。它们也可以通过处方作为Celecoxib的药物获得(Celebrex) andindomethacin(indocin)。

秋水仙碱(Colcrys, Mitigare):这种处方止痛药可以在攻击的第一个迹象时阻止痛风耀斑。低剂量的药物耐受性良好,但较高剂量可能会导致恶心,呕吐和腹泻等副作用。

Corticosteroids:最常用的cortico强的松steroid. It can be taken by mouth or injected into the affected joint to relieve pain and inflammation. It can also be injected into the muscle when several joints are affected. Corticosteroids are usually given to people who can’t tolerate NSAIDs or colchicine.

尽管短期治疗可阻止痛风攻击,但长期治疗可用于降低血液中的尿酸水平。这可以帮助减少未来的耀斑数量,并使它们不那么严重。这些药物仅在血液检查证实您有高尿酸血症, or a high uric acid level.

Long-term medication options include:

别嘌醇(Lopurin and Zyloprim):这是最常见的降低尿酸水平的药物。可能需要几周的时间才能充分发挥作用,因此您在那段时间里可能会遇到耀斑。如果您确实有耀斑,则可以通过一种一线治疗方法对其进行治疗,以缓解症状。

Febuxostat(Uloric):This oral medication blocks an enzyme that breaks purine into uric acid. This prevents your body from making uric acid. Febuxostat is processed mainly by the liver, so it’s safe for people with kidney disease.

概率(Benemid and Probalan):这种药物主要是针对肾脏不能正确排泄尿酸的人的。它有助于肾脏增加排泄,使尿酸水平变得稳定。不建议使用肾脏疾病的人。

Lesinurad (Zurampic):This oral medication was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2015. It’s used in people for whom allopurinol or febuxostat didn’t reduce uric levels enough. Lesinurad is also always used with one of those two drugs. It’s a promising new treatment for people having trouble controlling their gout symptoms. However, it comes with a risk of kidney failure.

Pegloticase (Krystexxa): This drug is an enzyme that converts uric acid into another, safer compound, called allantoin. It’s given as an intravenous (IV) infusion every two weeks. Pegloticase is only used in people for whom other long-term medications haven’t worked.

Many medications are available today to help relieve gout symptoms. Research is ongoing to find more treatments, as well as a possible cure. To learn more about treating your gout, talk to your doctor. Questions you might ask include:

  • 还有我应该服其他药物treat my gout?
  • 我该怎么做才能避免痛风耀斑?
  • Is there a diet you can recommend that would help keep my symptoms under control?



Anonymous patient


几种生活方式的改变可以帮助减少痛风的耀斑。这些包括保持健康的体重,锻炼以及(也许是最重要的)管理饮食。痛风症状是由嘌呤引起的,减少体内嘌呤的一种方法是避免含有它们的食物。这些食物包括肝脏和其他器官肉,海鲜等海鲜和啤酒。要了解要避免哪些食物和限制的食物,请查看本文gout-friendly eating.

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