
痛风is caused by the formation of urate crystals in body tissues. It usually occurs in or around joints and results in a painful type of关节炎.


痛风can be caused by decreased excretion of uric acid, increased production of uric acid, or a high dietary intake of purines.


The cause may be hereditary, or you may have肾脏问题that make you less able to remove uric acid.

铅中毒和某些药物,喜欢利尿剂immunosuppressant drugs, can cause kidney damage that may lead to uric acid retention. Uncontrolled糖尿病高血压can also reduce kidney function.

尿酸产生增加can also cause gout. In most cases, the cause of increased uric acid production is unknown. It can be caused by enzyme abnormalities and can happen in conditions including:


Purines are natural chemical components of DNA and RNA. When your body breaks them down, they turn into uric acid. Some purines are found naturally in the body. However, a diet high in purines can lead to gout.


  • 或者gan meats, such as kidneys, liver, and sweetbreads
  • red meat
  • oily fish, such as sardines, anchovies, and herring
  • certain vegetables, including asparagus and cauliflower
  • 豆子
  • 蘑菇


Age and gender

男性比女性更有可能患有痛风症状。大多数男人被诊断出between 30 and 50 years of age. In women, the disease is most prevalent after绝经.


Family history

有人blood relativeswho have gout are more likely to be diagnosed with this condition themselves.


There are several medications that can increase your risk of gout. These include:


Moderate to heavy drinking增加风险痛风。这通常意味着大多数男性每天每天多喝两杯,或者每天为65岁以上的所有妇女或任何男性。

Beer in particular has been implicated, and the beverage is high in purines. However, a 2014学习确认葡萄酒,啤酒和酒都可能引起痛风的反复攻击。Learn more about the relationship between alcohol and gout.

Lead exposure





You can decrease your chances of developing gout by watching your alcohol intake and eating a diet low in purines. Other causes of gout, such as kidney damage or a family history, are impossible to counteract.

Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned about your chances of developing gout.

They can come up with a plan to reduce your chances of developing the condition. For instance, if you have risk factors for gout (such as a particular medical condition), they may consider that before recommending certain types of drugs.

However, if you do develop gout, rest assured that the condition可以管理通过药物,饮食变化和替代治疗的结合。