
贾第鞭毛病是您小肠中的一种感染。它是由一个称为的微观寄生虫引起的贾迪亚·兰布利亚(Giardia Lamblia)。贾第鞭毛疾病通过与受感染的人接触而传播。您可以通过进食获得贾第鞭毛病毒contaminated foodor drinking contaminated water. Pet dogs and cats also frequently contract giardia.

This condition can be found all over the world, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, it’s more common in overcrowded developing countries that lack sanitary conditions and water quality control.

G. lambliaare found in animal and human feces. These寄生虫also thrive in contaminated food, water, and soil, and can survive outside a host for long periods of time. Accidentally consuming these parasites can lead to aninfection

获得贾第鞭病病的最常见方法是喝含有的水G. lamblia。Contaminated water can be in swimming pools, spas, and bodies of water, such as lakes. Sources of contamination include animal feces, diapers, and agricultural runoff.


贾diasisalso spreads through personal contact. For example, unprotected anal sex can pass the infection from one person to another.

Changing a child’s diaper or picking up the parasite while working in a day care center are also common ways to become infected. Children are at high risk for giardiasis because they’re likely to encounter feces when wearing diapers or potty training.


You may have to submit one or morestool samplesfor testing. A technician will check your stool sample for giardia parasites. You could have to submit more samples during treatment. Your doctor may also perform anenteroscopy。此过程涉及将柔软的管子沿喉咙延伸到小肠中。这将使您的医生可以检查您的digestive tract并服用tissue sample


  • Metronidazoleis an antibiotic that needs to be taken for five to seven days. It can cause nausea and leave a嘴里的金属味
  • 替替唑与甲硝唑一样有效,并且经常以单剂量治疗贾第鞭毛酸。
  • Nitazoxanide is a popular option for children because it’s available in liquid form and only needs to be taken for three days.
  • 偏霉素引起的机会较低birth defects比其他抗生素,尽管孕妇应该等到分娩后才服用任何贾第鞭毛疾病。在5至10天的过程中,该药物分为三剂。

贾diasiscan lead to complications such as weight loss and脱水从腹泻。感染也可能导致乳糖不耐症在某些人中。患有贾第鞭毛病的5岁以下儿童有可能malnutrition,这会干扰他们的身心发展。


Ponds, streams, rivers, and other bodies of water can all be sources of giardia. Don’t swallow water if you go swimming in one of these. Avoid drinking surface water unless it’s been boiled, treated with, or filtered. Bring bottled water with you when you go hiking or camping.


Be cautious about sexual practices associated with the spread of this infection, such as anal sex.Use a condomto reduce the chance of contracting giardiasis.

贾第鞭病病感染通常持续约六到八周,但是乳糖不耐症can persist after the infection clears up.