
这condition is a more serious and long-lasting form of酸回流。大多数人可以通过非处方药(OTC)药物管理GERD和一些生活方式的改变。

Anyone can develop GERD. It occurs across every age group and ethnicity. However, you’re more likely to have GERD if:

  • 您超重或肥胖。
  • 你怀孕了。
  • 您服用某些药物,包括抗组胺药,止痛药和抗抑郁药
  • You smoke or are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke.

One of the最大的挑战在确定GERD的人数时,正在确定谁实际患有这种疾病。许多患有GERD症状的人不会咨询医疗保健提供者。2014年的系统审查估计值为15.1%至30%[DS1]美国人口有gerd。

根据Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), there were 995,402 hospitalizations for GERD in 1998. In 2005, there were 3.14 million, an increase of 216 percent. In both years, approximately 62 percent of all GERD hospital discharges involved women.

这same study showed that the number of adults hospitalized for GERD decreased by 2.4 percent between 1998 and 2005. During the same period, the rate increased by 42 percent for babies. It increased by 84 percent for children aged two to 17.

在2010年, 470万 据美国国立糖尿病与消化道和肾脏疾病研究所报道,住院和1,653人死亡是GERD的结果。



  • 暴饮暴食
  • 超重
  • pregnancy
  • 吸烟或定期暴露于二手烟
  • 裂孔疝(胃的一部分突出到膜片肌肉中)

Certain foods and beverages can扳机格德。一些更常见的食物触发因素包括:

  • 油炸或脂肪食品
  • 柑橘
  • 巧克力
  • 咖啡
  • 碳酸饮料
  • 含酒的饮料

Some medications can cause GERD, too. Among them are:

  • 阿尔法阻滞剂
  • 抗炎
  • sedatives
  • nitrates


这most common symptoms of GERD are acid indigestion and heartburn. You may frequently burp and feel bloated.

Acid in your esophagus can make it spasm. That causes pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest.


  • 恶心和呕吐
  • belching
  • 吞咽困难
  • tooth erosion and bad breath
  • 吞咽问题(吞咽困难)
  • 呼吸系统的问题
  • 腹痛


  • occurs more frequently than once a week
  • 变得更严重
  • 晚上发生,唤醒您睡眠


Consider it an emergency if:

  • you’re vomiting large amounts
  • you have projectile vomiting
  • 您的呕吐物包含绿色或黄色的液体
  • 您的呕吐物看起来像咖啡景



  • Endoscopy.A fiber-optic tube is passed down your throat so your doctor can view your esophagus and stomach. Tissue samples can be taken for biopsy.
  • 上GI系列X射线。这se are taken after you drink a barium solution. This procedure can find ulcers, hiatal hernias, and other abnormalities.
  • 食管监测。This is a way to measure acid levels in your lower esophagus for 24 hours.
  • Manometry.测量法可以测量吞咽时食管中发生的节奏肌肉收缩。

GERD can usually be managed withOTC药物,例如以下内容:

  • 抗酸剂可以中和胃酸。
  • H2受体阻滞剂,像西酰丁丁一样,可以治疗多余的胃酸。
  • Proton pump inhibitorsreduce the amount of acid your stomach produces.

If OTC drugs aren’t working well, your doctor can prescribe alternative medications:

  • 瓜酸盐在食道和胃表面形成保护膜。
  • 甲氧氯普胺帮助您的食道有效收缩,胃更快地空着。

You may be able to ease your symptoms by making a few 简单的更改 :

  • Avoid smoking and being around secondhand smoke.
  • Maintain a healthy weight, and avoid tight clothing around your middle.
  • Eat smaller meals. Keep a food diary so you can pinpoint and avoid the foods that trigger your symptoms.
  • Try to move around a little after you eat, staying upright for three hours after meals. A short walk may go a long way.

If you don’t find relief from medication and lifestyle changes,surgerymay be an option. The most common surgical treatment options include:

  • 基本上。This is the most common surgery for GERD. Your surgeon wraps the top of your stomach around the lower esophageal sphincter to tighten the muscle and prevent reflux.Fundoplicationis usually done with a minimally invasive (laparoscopic) procedure.
  • LINX reflux management system.一圈微小的磁珠环在胃和食道的连接周围缠绕。珠子之间的磁吸引力足够强,可以保持连接处以回流酸,但较弱,足以使食物通过。这LINX system可以使用微创手术植入。美国食品和药物管理局批准了LINX system2012年,对于没有其他疗法帮助的GERD患者。




食道的长期炎症(食道炎) increases the risk of precancerous cells in the esophagus. Severe cases of GERD can lead to a condition calledBarrett’s esophagus。那时,您的食管生长类似于肠衬里的组织的组织。巴雷特的食管增加了您患食道腺癌的风险,这是一种罕见的癌症。

根据HCUP, 4.2 percent of GERD hospitalizations involved an esophageal disorder in 2005. Cases of dysphagia grew by 264 percent between 1998 and 2005. Esophageal adenocarcinoma rose by 195 percent. Esophagitis increased by 94 percent.



仅在美国,所有胃肠道疾病的总体支出估计在2009年每年的直接和间接费用为1420亿美元。 2015 review 。Researchers note GERD accounts for approximately $15 to $20 billion of these direct and indirect costs.

詹·托马斯(Jen Thomas)是旧金山的新闻记者和媒体策略师。当她没有梦想着访问和拍照的新地方时,可以在湾区周围找到她的盲人杰克·罗素梗犬或看上去迷路,因为她坚持在任何地方走路。詹(Jen)还是一位竞争激烈的终极飞盘球员,是一名体面的攀岩者,失误的跑步者和有抱负的空中表演者。