胃肠瘘(GIF)是您消化道中的异常开口 causes gastric fluids to seep through the lining of your stomach or intestines. If you have a GIF, you’re more at risk for infection when these fluids leak into your skin or other organs.


有several different causes of GIFs. They include:

Surgery complications

关于85–90 percentof GIFs develop after intra-abdominal surgery. You’re more likely to develop a fistula if you have:

  • cancer
  • radiation treatment to your abdomen
  • 一种bowel obstruction
  • surgical suture problems
  • incision site problems
  • 一个脓肿
  • 一种n infection
  • 一种hematoma, or blood clot under your skin
  • 肿瘤
  • malnutrition

Spontaneous GIF formation

A spontaneous GIF forms in about10-15%of cases, often as a result of things like inflammatory bowel disease, malignant tumors, or bowel infections likediverticulitis

炎症性肠病疾病, 如克罗恩病,也可以引起GIF。多达40%的人患有克罗恩病的患者在他们生命中的某些时候开发了一个瘘管。



Physical trauma, such as gunshot or knife wounds that penetrate the abdomen, can also cause a GIF to develop.


  • 一种bdominal pain
  • painful bowel obstruction
  • fever
  • 升高的白细胞计数

People who have internal fistulas may experience:

  • diarrhea
  • 直肠出血
  • 血液感染或败血症
  • 营养素吸收不佳和减肥
  • 脱水
  • worsening of the underlying disease

fourmain types of GIFs:

  • 肠瘘。用这种形式的瘘管,胃液从肠道的一部分泄漏到折叠触摸的另一个部分。
  • 外毡瘘。This type of fistula occurs when gastric fluid leaks from your intestine to your other organs, such as your bladder, lungs, or vascular system.
  • 外瘘。在这种情况下,胃液通过皮肤泄漏。它也被称为“皮肤瘘”。
  • Complex fistula.这种类型的瘘管发生在一个以上的器官中。




如果原因是另一个基本条件,上一页ention may be about finding the best treatment or management strategies for the condition itself.


In this case, doctors will likely 你在手术前吃健康,在适当的时间,服用药物以减少胃中的酸,服用抗生素作为预防手术感染,并在程序前清空胃。


Contact your doctor if youexperience任何这些症状:

  • 肠习惯的重大变化
  • unusual or severe weight loss
  • fever
  • 严重的腹泻
  • fluid leakage from an opening in your abdomen or near your anus
  • 不寻常的腹痛

There may be many causes for these symptoms. If your doctor doesn’t already suggest it, tell them if you’re at risk for a gastrointestinal fistula. If you have a history of inflammatory bowel problems, or you’ve recently had surgery, you’re at a higher risk.


  • 运行血液测试。These will assess your serum electrolytes and nutritional status, whichmeasures白蛋白和预白蛋白水平。这些都是在伤口愈合中起重要作用的蛋白质。
  • Perform an upper and lower endoscopy.Your doctor may use this test to view possible problems in your digestive or gastrointestinal tract with an endoscope.
  • 执行上下肠X射线。This may include abarium swallow如果你的医生认为你可能有胃或肠瘘,或者barium enema如果你的医生认为你有冒号瘘。
  • 执行瘘管。This involves injecting a contrast dye into the opening of your skin in an external fistula and then taking X-ray images.

基于通过开口渗透到多少胃液的分类瘘管。低输出瘘管产生少于200 milliliters (mL)每天胃液。高输出瘘管每天产生约500毫升。

Fistulas close on their own when:

  • your infection is controlled
  • 你的身体吸收足够的营养素
  • your overall health is good
  • 只有少量的胃液通过开口来

医生会非本地对待大多数瘘管,因为70–90 percentof fistulas will close on their own within 5 weeks of treatment. Treatment focuses on keeping you well-nourished and preventing wound infection.


  • replenishing your fluids
  • correcting your blood serum electrolytes
  • 归一化酸和基础不平衡
  • 减少瘘管的流体输出
  • controlling infection and guarding against sepsis
  • protecting your skin and providing ongoing wound care


fistulas独立关闭70–90 percent在没有手术的时间内,在那些健康的人中,当它们产生少量液体时。

GIFs most often develop after abdominal surgery or as a result of chronic digestive disorders. Talk with your doctor about your risks and how to spot symptoms of a developing fistula.