One way to tackle肥胖是野生手术。这种类型的手术涉及去除或减少胃的大小。Bariatric surgerytypically leads to rapid weight loss.

胃套手术是几种类型的畜牧手术选择之一。Medical professionals usually call it vertical sleeve gastrectomy.


胃套手术几乎总是作为一个微创程序using alaparoscope。这意味着长,薄管通过几个小切口插入腹部。该管有一个光线和一个微小的相机,附有它以及各种仪器。

使用胃套手术进行使用general anesthesia这是一种药物让您进入非常深入的睡眠,并且需要在手术期间为您呼吸呼吸机。

The surgery entails dividing your stomach into two unequal parts. About 80 percent of the outer curved part of your stomach is cut away and removed.

The edges of the remaining 20 percent are then stapled or sutured together. This creates a banana-shaped stomach that’s only about 25 percent of its original size.

你将在手术室约一小时。一旦手术完成,您将被转移到恢复室postoperative care。You’ll be in the recovery room for another hour or so while you wake up from the anesthesia.



Gastric sleeve surgery helps you lose weight in two ways:

  • Your stomach is significantly smaller so you feel full and stop eating sooner. This means you take in fewer calories.
  • The part of your stomach that producesghrelin— a hormone that’s associated with hunger — has been removed, so you’re not as hungry.

According to theAmerican Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery,您可以预期在胃套手术后18至24个月内减少50%的体重。有些人输了 60 to 70 percent

It’s important to remember that this will only happen if you are committed to following the diet and exercise plan recommended by your surgeon. By adopting these lifestyle changes, you’re more likely to keep the weight off long term.

Bariatric surgery of any type, including gastric sleeve surgery, is only considered an option when strong attempts to improve your diet and exercise habits, and the use of weight-loss medications, haven’t worked.

Even then, you must meet certain criteria to be eligible for a bariatric procedure. These criteria are based on your体重指数(BMI)以及您是否有与肥胖有关的健康状况。

Occasionally, gastric sleeve surgery is done if you’re overweight but don’t meet the criteria for obesity, but you have a significant health condition related to your weight.

Gastric sleeve surgery is considered a relatively safe procedure. However, like all major surgeries, there can be risks and complications.


  • 出血。Bleedingfrom the surgical wound or inside your body can lead toshockwhen it’s severe.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).手术和恢复过程可以增加你的风险血凝块形成in your vein, usually in a leg vein.
  • Pulmonary embolism.A肺栓塞can happen when part of a blood clot breaks off and travels to your lungs.
  • Irregular heartbeat。Surgery can increase the risk of an心律不齐, especiallyatrial fibrillation
  • Pneumonia.Pain can cause you to take shallow breaths which can lead to a lung infection, likepneumonia


  • 胃泄漏。胃液可以从胃中的缝线线泄漏,在那里缝合在一起。
  • 狭窄。部分胃套筒可以关闭,导致胃部梗阻。
  • 维生素缺乏。The section of your stomach that’s removed is partly responsible for the absorption of vitamins your body needs. Unless you take vitamin supplements, this can lead to deficiencies.
  • 胃灼热(GERD)。重塑你的胃可能导致或恶化胃灼热。This can typically be treated with over-the-counter medication.

It’s important to remember that changing your diet and exercise habits are essential to losing the weight and keeping it off after gastric sleeve surgery. It’s possible to gain the weight back if you:

  • eat too much
  • 吃不健康的饮食
  • 运动太少了

Other concerns


这个多余的皮肤可以手术切除,如果bothers you. But keep in mind that it can take up to 18 months for your body to stabilize after gastric sleeve surgery. That’s why it’s usually best to wait before considering a skin removal procedure. Until then, you may want to try sometechniques for tightening loose skin

Another thing to consider before deciding to have gastric sleeve surgery is that, unlike some other bariatric surgeries, gastric sleeve surgery is irreversible. If you are not happy with the outcome, your stomach cannot be changed back to the way it was.

Before gastric sleeve surgery is performed, you typically have to agree to specific lifestyle changes recommended by your surgeon. These changes are meant to help you achieve and maintain weight loss.

One of these changes includes eating a healthier diet for the rest of your life.

Your surgeon will recommend the bestgastric sleeve dietfor you before and after your surgery. The dietary changes your surgeon suggests may be similar to the general dietary guidelines below.

You’ll usually be able to eat regular, healthy food about one month after your surgery. You’ll find that you eat less than before the procedure because you’ll get full quickly and won’t feel as hungry.

Your limited diet and smaller meals may cause some nutritional deficiencies. It’s important to make up for this by taking multivitamins,钙补充剂, a monthlyB-12 shot等其他人的外科医生推荐。

In the United States, most health insurance companies understand that obesity is a risk factor for other health conditions that can lead to serious medical problems. For this reason, many insurance companies pay for gastric sleeve surgery if you have a qualifying condition.

According to theCenters of Medicare & Medicare Services(CMS), Medicare will pay for gastric sleeve surgery if you meet the following conditions:

  • your BMI is 35 or higher
  • you have one or more obesity-related health conditions
  • 通过改变饮食和运动习惯或服用药物,您无法减肥



Given this wide variation, it’s best to research and talk to several surgeons and operative centers to find one you’re comfortable with — and one that fits your budget.


To qualify for gastric sleeve surgery, you must meet certain criteria. You need to prove that you’ve tried other weight-loss methods — including diet, exercise, and weight loss medications — without success. Other qualifying criteria include your BMI and whether you have any obesity-related health conditions.

If you follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen regularly after gastric sleeve surgery, you may be able to lose more than 50 percent of your excess weight within 24 months.

However, as with most surgical procedures, there is the risk of side effects and complications. If you’re interested in gastric sleeve surgery, talk with your doctor about whether you qualify for this procedure and if it’s a safe option for you.