Yourgallbladderis a 4-inch, pear-shaped organ. It’s positioned under yourliverin the upper-right section of your腹部

The gallbladder storesbile, a combination of fluids, fat, and cholesterol. Bile helps break down fat from food in your intestine. The gallbladder delivers bile into thesmall intestine。这允许脂溶性维生素和营养成分更容易被血液吸收到血液中。

Gallbladder conditions share similar symptoms. These include:


Any disease that affects your gallbladder is considered agallbladder disease。The following conditions are all gallbladder diseases.

  • Inflammation of the gallbladder。This is called cholecystitis. It can be either急性(短期),或慢性的(long term).
  • Common bile duct infection.如果普通胆管导管,则可能会发育感染阻塞
  • Gallbladder polyps.These are abnormal tissue growths that may be benign. Larger polyps may need to be surgically removed before they develop intocanceror cause other problems.
  • 瓷器胆囊。这是什么时候calcium deposits stiffenthe gallbladder walls and make them rigid.
  • Gallbladder cancer.Although rare, if not detected and treated,this cancercan spread quickly.
  • Gallstones.These are small, hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder. They can cause acute cholecystitis. More on gallstones and their complications below.

Gallstonesare small, hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder. These deposits can develop and go undetected for years.



  • 常见的胆管stones
  • abscess of the gallbladder
  • gallstone ileus
  • 穿孔胆囊

Gallstones are usually very small, no more than a few millimeters wide. However, they can grow to several centimeters. Some people develop only one gallstone, while others develop several. As the gallstones grow in size, they can begin to block the channels that lead out of the gallbladder.

Most gallstones are formed from cholesterol found in the gallbladder’s bile. Another type of gallstone, a pigment stone, is formed from calcium bilirubinate. Calcium bilirubinate is a chemical that’s produced when the body breaks down红细胞。这种类型的石头是稀有的。

Explore thisinteractive 3-D diagram了解有关胆囊和胆结石的更多信息。

Common bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis)

When gallstones occur in the common bile duct, it’s known asCholedocholithiasis。Bile is ejected from the gallbladder, passed through small tubes, and deposited in the common bile duct. It then enters the small intestine.


Sometimes stones form in the common bile duct itself. These stones are called primary common bile duct stones, or primary stones. This rare type of stone is more likely to cause an infection than a secondary stone.

Abscess of the gallbladder

A small percentage of people with gallstones may also developpusin the gallbladder. This condition is calledempyema

Pus is a combination ofwhite blood cells,细菌, 和dead tissue. The development of pus, also known as an abscess, leads to severe abdominal pain. If empyema isn’t diagnosed and treated, it can become life threatening as the infection spreads to other parts of the body.

Gallstone ileus

胆结石可能进入肠道并阻挡它。这种状况,称为Gallstone Ileus,是罕见的,但可能是致命的。它是最常见的超过65岁的人



Gallstones don’t cause every type of gallbladder problem. Gallbladder disease without stones, also called acalculous gallbladder disease, can occur. In this case, you may experience symptoms commonly associated with gallstones without actually having stones.

First, your doctor will talk with you about your medical history, symptoms, and family history. A physical exam is performed to locate pain in the abdomen. Your doctor may also ask about your diet and nutrition before doing a blood test.

A.结果 blood test may indicate whether there’s an infection or inflammation in the gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, or even the liver.

Imaging tests are typically used to identify gallstones in your gallbladder. There are several types of image tests:

  • 超声波。This test is considered the best imaging test for finding gallstones. Often doctors find “silent,” or gallstones that do not cause symptoms in this image test.
  • 计算断层扫描(CT)扫描。This combination of X-rays and technology can show gallstones as well as reveal complications such as blockage of the gallbladder or bile ducts.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)。This test shows detailed images of your body’s organs and can show gallstones in your biliary tract ducts
  • CholescIntaphy。Taking pictures of the biliary tract, this image scan can show gallbladder abnormalities and blockages in the bile ducts.
  • 内窥镜逆行胆管胆管痴呆(ERCP)。This more invasive procedure is often used to address an existing problem, such as a gallstone stuck in the common bile duct.


If your doctor discovers gallstones in your gallbladder, you might have胆囊去除手术。虽然胆囊去除手术是安全的,但任何手术都会有风险。与医生公开发言是很重要的:

  • 手术
  • typical recovery
  • 潜在的并发症

Following removal of your gallbladder via surgery, it’s possible you may develop an infection. Pain, swelling and redness, along with pus at the incision may require antibiotics.

胆汁漏is extremely rare — only 1 percent of people who have gallbladder removal surgery experience this complication.

Injuries to the bile duct, intestine, bowel, or blood vessels are other possible complications that may require additional surgery to fix.

Gallbladder removal surgery isn’t the only way to treat a gallbladder problem. Depending on your issue and diagnosis, treatment may include:

并非所有案件都需要治疗。您也可以找到疼痛缓解natural remedies, such as exercise and a heated compress.

如果您正在遇到胆囊问题,您可能会发现它有益调整你的饮食。In addition, if you have gallbladder removal surgery, your doctor may advisedietary changes之前(op op)和手术后(op-op)。

Foods that may aggravate gallbladder disease include:

Instead, try to build your diet around:


While gallbladder problems are rarely deadly, they should still be treated. You can prevent gallbladder problems from worsening if you take action and see a doctor. Symptoms that should prompt you to seek immediate medical attention include:

  • abdominal pain that lasts at least 5 hours
  • 黄疸
  • pale stools
  • 出汗,low-grade fever, or chills, if they’re accompanied by the above symptoms

最常见的迹象表明你可能会在胆囊中经历问题是中期的痛苦upper-rightsection of your abdomen.

胆结石可能负责疼痛,和德pending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may recommend gallbladder removal surgery if imaging tests reveal the presence of these small, hardened deposits.