
“疖”是另一个词“煮”。疮是bacterial infections of hair follicles that also involve the surrounding tissue. The infected毛囊可以在您身体的任何部位,不仅是头皮。

When the hair follicle becomes infected, it appears inflamed. The furuncle looks like a red, raised bump on your skin that is focused on a hair follicle. If it ruptures, cloudy fluid or pus drains out.

Furuncles most commonly appear on the face, neck, thigh, and buttocks.

毛茸茸的皮肤上可能是良性的肿块,就像一个疙瘩。However, as the infection worsens, the boil can become hard and painful.

The boil containspusas a result of your body’s attempt to fight the infection. Pressure may build, which may cause the furuncle to burst and release its fluids.

The pain may be at its worst right before a furuncle ruptures and will most likely improve after it drains.

According to the梅奥诊所,兽医开始很小,但大小可能会增加到2英寸以上。感染毛囊周围的皮肤可能变成红色,肿胀和嫩。疤痕也是可能的。

The development of several boils that connect in the same general area of your body is called a。Carbuncles may be more associated with symptoms like afeverandchills。这些症状可能不太常见。

Bacteria typically cause a furuncle, the most common beingStaphylococcus aureus-which is why furuncles can also be called staph infections.S.金黄色葡萄酒通常居住在皮肤的某些区域。

S.金黄色葡萄酒在皮肤上有断裂的情况,例如切割或划痕,会引起感染。一旦细菌入侵,免疫系统tries to fight them. The boil is actually the result of your white blood cells working to eliminate the bacteria.


Diabetesandeczema, a chronic skin disorder characterized by extremely dry, itchy skin, are two examples of chronic conditions that may increase your risk of getting astaph infection

Your risk can also increase if you engage in close, personal contact with someone who already has a staph infection.

Many people don’t need to see a doctor for treatment unless a boil remains large, unruptured, or very painful for more than 2 weeks. Usually, a furuncle will already have drained and begun to heal within this time frame.

顽固的兽医的治疗通常包括促进排水和愈合的步骤。Warm compressescan help speed the rupturing of a furuncle. Apply a warm, moist compress throughout the day to facilitate drainage.


Wash your hands as well at the boil site with an antibacterial soap to avoid spreading the staph bacteria to other areas of your body.

Contact your doctor if your furuncle remains unruptured or if you are in severe pain. You may need antibiotics as well as incision and drainage to clear the infection.




Bacteremia is an infection of the bloodstream that may occur after having a bacterial infection, such as a furuncle. If untreated, it can lead to severe organ dysfunction such as sepsis.


当感染是由于耐甲氧西林引起的S.金黄色葡萄酒, we call it MRSA. This type of bacteria can cause boils and make treatment difficult.

This infection can be very difficult to treat and requires specific antibiotics for treatment.

Prevent furuncles through good personal hygiene. If you do have a staph infection, here are some tips to try to prevent the infection from spreading:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • 遵循医生的伤口护理说明,其中可能包括轻轻清洁伤口和保持绷带覆盖的伤口。
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as sheets, towels, clothing, or razors.
  • 用热水洗净床上用品以杀死细菌。
  • Avoid contact with other people infected with staph or MRSA infections.