如果你有type 2 diabetes,您知道注意您的碳水化合物消耗是多么重要。当您吃碳水化合物时,您的身体会变成糖,直接影响您的血糖水平。


The answer is yes, fruit is an excellent way to get nutrition while satisfying your sweet tooth, according to the美国糖尿病协会(ADA). The ADA advises you to count fruit as a carb in your meal plan.

最好的选择是新鲜水果,根据ADA. They also recommend frozen or canned fruit that does not have added sugars.检查食品标签for added sugar, and be aware that sugar has many different names on labels. This includes cane sugar, invert sugar, corn sweetener, dextran, and high fructose corn syrup.


A 2013年研究 published in the British Medical Journal concluded that the consumption of whole fruits, apples, blueberries, and grapes is significantly associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.



  • 1 small piece of fresh fruit (4 ounces)
  • ½ cup of canned or frozen fruit (no sugar added)
  • 2 teaspoons of dry fruit such as dried cherries or raisins




  • A 2013年研究 that tracked thousands of people over a number of years concluded that the greater consumption of fruit juices is significantly associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • A 2017 study of random controlled trials suggested that the consumption of 100 percent fruit juice is not associated with increased risk of diabetes. However, the study also notes that more detailed research is needed to understand the effect of 100 percent fruit juice on regulation and maintenance of blood glucose levels.

TheADArecommends only drinking juice in small portions — about 4 ounces or less a day. They also recommend checking the label to be sure it’s 100 percent fruit juice with no added sugar.

In general, eating whole fruit with dietary fiber被推荐over juice. Thefiber在整个水果延迟消化中。这种延迟不仅可以帮助您感到饱满,而且也不会像您以果汁形式消耗果实一样迅速地刺激血糖水平。

Fruit can and should be a part of yourdiabetes diet. But pay attention to portion control — about 15 grams per serving — and make sure to count the fruit as a carb in your meal plan.

Good nutrition is an important diabetes care tool. If you have diabetes, a customized meal plan can help balance carb intake and medications to control your blood sugar level.