Alter your diet, improve your mood

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s believed to be caused by the changing seasons. Typically, symptoms begin to worsen around fall and peak during the winter months. Symptoms of SAD are similar to other forms of depression, including feelings of hopelessness, lack of concentration, social withdrawal, and fatigue.


Besides being high in omega-3s, salmon is a great source of lean proteins. While a richly marbled rib-eye steak is undoubtedly delicious, the high saturated fat content may not be good for your mood or your body. Lean proteins, however, carry plenty of amino acids, which may positively affect your mood. Lean proteins are also a great source of energy, which is something you’ll need to help beat fatigue.


Learn more about foods that beat fatigue.

ω-3脂肪酸已被称赞为健康益处,包括可能影响您的心情。一项研究University of Pittsburghfound that people with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids were less likely to experience moderate or mild symptoms of depression.


If you want to boost your omega intake, try grilled mustard and bourbon-glazed salmon.

压力会加剧抑郁症状并排除你的身体。Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries may help prevent the release of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. During stressful situations, cortisol heads toward your hippocampus, a major portion of the brain that stores memories, provides emotional responses, and helps with navigation. Keep berries in your bag to combat stress when it hits.


If you start looking at the ingredients of food labels, you’ll notice various forms of sugar. They’ll appear as syrups or words that end in “-ose.”

Sugar may give you a little happy boost at first, butresearch from UCLA表明糖太多糖和太少的ω-3脂肪酸可以在功能上可以在功能上改变你的大脑并减慢它对大脑作品的研究总是正在进行的研究。但是,远离糖是一个安全的赌注 - 特别是如果你感到沮丧。糖高的崩溃很容易让你感觉比以前更糟糕。

有些研究 关于叶酸对大脑的影响已经探讨了如何提高心情。有一些证据表明身体使用它来创建血清素 - 一种影响心情的神经递质 - 但没有确凿的证据是如何运作的。在你的饮食中包括它是一个好主意。




There are lots of tasty ways to fit it into your diet. Food sources of vitamin B-12 include lean beef, clams, oysters, crab, wild salmon, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, and fortified cereals.


维生素D被称为“阳光维生素”,因为您的身体可以通过使用胆固醇和吸收自然阳光来制造它。 你的心情可能会改善 with as little as 10 minutes of sun exposure. This is why light therapy is an important treatment for SAD. Your body can also absorb vitamin D through food.


Chocolate has always been a tasty and good way to self-medicate through down times. But a Hershey’s bar or pint of chocolate ice cream isn’t the best way to do it.






像土耳其一样,香蕉含有色氨酸。除此之外,香蕉天然糖和钾的碳水化合物有助于促进您的大脑。镁在香蕉中发现,可能会改善睡眠,减少焦虑 - 令人焦虑的症状。

If you’re looking for something besides a banana, try aPBB冰沙

Dietary changes should never be a replacement for medication or therapy, but they can supplement your current treatments. Discuss these or any other therapies with your doctor and see which are best for you.