Start slow and don’t rush. Here’s what you need to know about being an expert in meal prepping.

There’s no need to stress about drinking matcha daily if you haven’t mastered the technique of eating and cooking simple.

Other than one-pot wonders, the next step to easy eating is meal planning, orbatch cooking。You may have heard of the trend “meal-prep Mondays.” Nowadays everyone — no matter what diet they’re trying — seems to be doing it. The question is: To make your diet work, do you really need to meal prep?

The short answer: Maybe.


在我知道它被称为它之前,我首先使用了膳食计划的概念。在Grad School,我有相当的时间表,杂耍撰写论文,课程和工作。我发现自己因为我只是没有“有时间而跳过早餐。

Then one day, I decided to make all the oatmeal I’d need for the week in one day (so five one-serving portions). This simple small step was my catalyst to establishing a routine for healthy eating.

多年后,我一直待挑战并完善了如何。这是我成为膳食准备大师的五大提示。我发誓这些策略让自己追踪 - 他们还在全世界工作了成千上万。

These are my top five-ingredient meals that cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and even a recipe for on the go. (Side note: Spices like salt, pepper, or olive oil aren’t considered an “ingredient” in these recipes.)


This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to prioritize your trip to the store or farmers market before you even begin meal prepping. This begins with making a grocery shopping list at home. Take stock of what foods and ingredients you already have at home so you don’t waste time钱在商店找到他们。

Then, think about what dishes you’d like to eat and if you can mix, match, and maximize the ingredients. For example, meals with quinoa are a great choice: You can make a big batch of quinoa and create meal spin-offs for breakfast (cold cereal), lunch, and dinner!

最后,确保您有足够的食物容器分别存储您的膳食。使用玻璃板盒组织午餐和晚餐。Mason Jars非常适合储存沙拉敷料,鹰嘴豆泥,Pesto和其他酱汁或腌料。


  • large batches of soup
  • quinoa or other grains
  • proteins
  • granola
  • 沙拉成份

Another important tip is to know when grocery shopping
works for you. Where I live, it’s chaos at the grocery store on Sunday

I’m all for being efficient with my time, and that carries over into cooking as well. (Saving time is a fundamental component I made sure to include in my “Guide to Master Meal Planning.”) Not every meal has to be done one at a time — use your time wisely!




As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need to meal prep every single dish for the week ahead — just pick one meal you find the most challenging. For example, if it’s difficult to get up early every morning to prepare breakfast, use your time to put together a week’s worth of overnight oats or bake up a batch of whole-grain muffins. Find it hard to make time for lunch? Toss your greens and veggies into individual containers, and prepare some homemade salad dressing that you can drizzle on top when it’s time to eat.





This additional time for myself is probably really the best benefit of meal planning, especially when there are so many other things in life I’d like to give attention to — exercise, chilling out, reading books, and hanging out with friends and family.

Mckel Hill,Ms,Rd,是创始人营养Stripped是一个健康的生活网站,致力于通过食谱,营养建议,健身和更多优化全球妇女的福祉。她的食谱“营养剥离”是一个国家畅销书,她一直在健身杂志和女性健康杂志中得到特色。