
Cucumber waterisn’t just for spas anymore. More people are enjoying this healthy, refreshing drink at home, and why not? It’s delicious and easy to make.

Here are seven ways cucumber water benefits your body.

Your body can’t function properly without water. Most people should aim todrink six to eight glasses of water per day,根据American Academy of Family Physicians. We know we’re supposed to drink water throughout the day, but sometimes plain water gets boring. Adding cucumber gives it some extra flavor, encouraging you to drink more.

If you’re trying tolose weight, replacingsugary sodas,sports drinks, and juices with cucumber water can help you cut some serious calories from your diet.

Staying hydrated also helps you feel full. Sometimes your body confuses thirst with hunger. You may feel like you’re hungry, when you’re actually thirsty.

How will you know the difference? Reach for a tall glass of cucumber water first. If your hunger goes away after finishing the drink, you were thirsty. If you’re still hungry, then you know it’s hunger.

Antioxidantsare substances that help prevent and delay cell damage from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.Oxidative stresscan lead to chronic conditions like:

Research has shown that antioxidants may be able to reverse or stop this damage. This is why you should each fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants.Cucumbersfall into this category. They’re rich in:

Some early research suggests that cucumbers may help in the fight againstcancer. Along with antioxidants, cucumbers also have compounds called cucurbitacins and a group of nutrients calledlignans, which may have a role in protecting us from cancer. One study in the癌症研究杂志》suggested that the dietary flavonoid fisetin, which is found in cucumbers, might help to slow the progression ofprostate cancer.

One contributing factor tohigh blood pressureis havingtoo much salt(sodium) and too littlepotassiumin your diet. The excess salt causes your body to hold fluids, which raises blood pressure. Potassium is anelectrolytethat helps regulate the amount of sodium retained by thekidneys.

Cucumbers are a good source of potassium. Drinking cucumber water helps your body get more potassium, potentially helping to lower your blood pressure.

Cucumber water can help soothe yourskinfrom the inside out. Staying hydrated helps your body to flush out toxins and maintain a healthy complexion. Cucumbers are also high in pantothenic acid orvitamin B-5, which has been used to treatacne. One cup of sliced cucumbers has about5 percentof the recommended daily value of vitamin B-5.

Cucumbers are high invitamin K. In fact, one cup of sliced cucumbers has about19 percentof the recommended daily value. Your body needs vitamin K to help form proteins that are needed to make healthy bones and tissues as well as to help your blood clot properly. What better way to get this vitamin than through refreshing cucumber water?