

牛油果are a healthy fruit, but they’re not the lowest in calories and fat.

牛油果are the pear-shaped fruit of avocado trees. They have leathery green skin. They contain a single large seed called a stone. The Hass avocado is the most cultivated avocado in the world. It’s the most common variety in the United States.


The suggested serving size is around one-fifth of a medium-sized avocado. Here’s a look at the amount of calories and fat in avocado.


Serving size Calories and fat
1 serving (1/5 of an avocado) 50卡路里,4.5克总脂肪
1/2的鳄梨(培养基) 130卡路里,12克总脂肪
1个鳄梨(中,整个) 250 calories, 23 grams total fat

鳄梨富含脂肪。But it’s not the饱和脂肪that you’ll find in some full-fat dairy products, red meat, and most junk food. The American Heart Association (AHA) 建议限制饮食中的饱和脂肪,以降低您的风险heart disease

But a2011 meta-analysisfound no connection between saturated fat, heart disease, and中风。可能是反式脂肪,在像人造黄油这样的部分氢化油中发现的脂肪类型起着更大的作用。即便如此,AHA仍遵循其当前的准则。


鳄梨可能在预防癌症学习show that the phytochemicals in avocados may prevent the growth of and cause the cell death of precancerous and cancerous cell lines.

牛油果are a good source ofdietary fiber。This helps prevent便秘。一份含2克纤维。纤维还可以帮助您保持更长的时间,从而阻止暴饮暴食。

Overweight and moderatelyobeseadult study participants who ate about half of a Hass avocado at lunch felt full for three to five hours afterwards.Blood sugar levelsremained more stable than those of participants who ate an avocado-free lunch.

A 2013 report 发现吃鳄梨与改善总体饮食,营养摄入量以及降低的风险有关metabolic syndrome

Red meatsmay promote inflammation in the body, due in part to their saturated fat content.Inflammation是心血管疾病的另一个潜在危险因素。鳄梨可能有助于减少体内的炎症。

A small2012 study发现用汉堡吃一半的哈斯鳄梨而不是仅食用汉堡,这有助于减少促进体内炎症的物质的产生。

According toresearch,鳄梨可以帮助您的身体从其他食物中吸收特定的营养。


You may have heard about the benefits of eating avocado seeds.Emerging research表明种子可能具有抗菌和抗炎特性。

These may help some health conditions, but most of the research used avocado seed extract and not whole, fresh avocado seeds. It hasn’t yet been established if avocado seeds are safe to eat.


Eat avocado for breakfast

  • spread mashed avocado on toast instead of butter
  • top scrambled eggs with diced avocado
  • crack anegginto an avocado half (skin on) and bake at 425° for about 20 minutes

Eat avocado for lunch or dinner

  • add diced avocado to chicken salad or tuna salad
  • 将鳄梨果汁加入烤土豆而不是酸奶油中
  • stir pureed avocado into hot pasta instead of marinara sauce
  • top your favorite burger with avocado slices


When enjoyed as part of an otherwise healthy diet, on the other hand, avocados may help you lose weight. Don’t eat avocados in addition to unhealthy foods. Instead, replace unhealthy foods in your diet like sandwich spreads with avocados.

Note:If you’re allergic to latex, talk to your doctor before eating avocados. Approximately50 percentof peopleallergic to latexshow cross-reactivity to some fruits such as avocados, bananas, and kiwis.