
Acerola Cherry是一种原产于西半球热带地区的植物。它也通常被称为西印度群岛樱桃,巴巴多斯樱桃,或只是“阿克罗拉”。人们认为,这种灌木植物起源于墨西哥南部和加勒比海。


Recently, there has been interest in using acerola’s vitamin C content as a supplement. There are many health and wellness claims made about this supplement, but not all have research to back them up.

Acerola is most well-known for being extremely rich in vitamin C. Because of this, it’s often used to help with or prevent colds or flu. It’s also used as an antioxidant nutrient. Together with vitamin C, acerola may be taken to boost immunity.

Similar towitch hazel, acerola cherry is an astringent. This could make it helpful for treating skin blemishes, promoting skin elasticity, and aiding digestive issues. It may even have use as an antimicrobial mouth wash.


  • 抗抑郁药
  • 抗真菌
  • athletic endurance
  • diarrhea
  • 皮肤涩(奶油)

Consume the berry or fruit part of the acerola plant for its health benefits. Its taste tends to be described as sweet, fragrant, and astringent. It’s easily eaten raw or cooked into dishes.

获得水果的最好方法是自己成长because of acerola cherry’s quick perishability. You can also preserve fresh acerola cherries by freezing them as soon as you pick them.

水果最常见于补充形式。这是因为浆果在收获后的五天内分解,失去了大部分营养。除非添加防腐剂,否则果汁也很容易变质。尽管如此,服用Acerola Cherry的最佳方法是吃水果。补品不应该是您的首选。

Supplement forms include:

  • 胶囊
  • chewable
  • liquid extract (tincture)
  • powder

The powder supplement is quite popular. Made from dehydrated and powdered acerola cherry juice, this can be mixed into beverages, smoothies, juices, and more. You can also make smoothies from your frozen berries.


Recommendations may vary depending on the supplement product you buy. Follow dosage directions on the label if you’re uncertain of how much to take.

Acerola’s health benefits are mostly due to its richness in vitamin C. The more the fruit ripens, the more vitamin C is lost — and acerola ripens very quickly.

Ina study在各种维生素C的水果及其相对量中,Acerola的表现优于其余的,尤其是在有机生长时。据报道,该水果的维生素C含量比橙色和草莓含量更高,而且只有玫瑰果会超过。还发现该浆果是维生素A的非常重要的来源。

Vitamin C is a required nutrient and water-soluble vitamin and is not stored in the body, so you need to take a source of water-soluble vitamins in daily. Along with vitamin A, vitamin C is a known antioxidant, helping prevent free radical damage and certain illnesses.Recent studies affirm那阿昔洛拉非常富含抗氧化剂。

维生素C也构建胶原蛋白,保护粘液membranes, and prevents scurvy. Vitamin C is important to keep the immune system functioning and help the body fight infections, viruses, and even cancer. While more research is needed,one study证明在实验室中,较高的抗氧化剂和维生素C的樱桃具有帮助人体阻止结肠癌生长的能力。


Acerola, when consumed as a food, also contains good amounts of the following nutrients:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • 烟酸(维生素B-3)
  • phosphorus
  • 核黄素(维生素B-2)
  • 硫胺素(维生素B-1)


Don’t take large doses of any vitamin C product, and gradually decrease the amount if you are already taking large doses. Rebound scurvy can happen when the body has become accustomed to a larger dosage.

If you take too much, you may experience:

  • diarrhea
  • digestive cramps
  • dizziness or fainting
  • flushed appearance
  • 尿频
  • headache (including migraine)
  • 恶心
  • vomiting


很长一段时间内可能会导致大量的Acerola樱桃kidney stones。Contact your doctor immediately if you experience side or lower back pain, which could be a symptom.

If you grow an acerola cherry plant, there have been reports of contact dermatitis when harvesting. Otherwise, the berry is nontoxic and safe to consume.

Acerola is used as a home remedy for a variety of maladies. Research supporting it as a vitamin C source and natural supplement is strong. Acerola also contains other important vitamins and minerals, and it’s a significant source of antioxidants.

Consuming it as a food or supplement may help you meet your vitamin C needs. It could also be of great help during cold and flu season. As for its other claimed benefits — digestive aid, antidepressant, and athletic endurance, for example — no research is yet available, and more studies are needed to support these uses.