

Find out what makes your urine foam up and what you should do about it if it happens.

Urine can foam up briefly every once in a while. This is usually due to the speed of urine flow.



  • swelling in your hands, feet, face, andabdomen, which could be a sign of fluid buildup from受损的肾脏
  • 疲劳
  • a loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • trouble sleeping
  • changes in the amount of urine you produce
  • cloudy urine
  • darker colored urine
  • 如果你是男性dry orgasms or releasing little to no semen during orgasm
  • 如果你是男性infertility或难以怀孕女性伴侣

The most obvious cause of foamy urine is the speed of urination. Just as water foams up when it comes out of the tap quickly, urine foams if it hits the toilet quickly. This kind of foam should also clear up quickly.

Sometimes, urine can also foam up when it’s concentrated. Your urine is more concentrated if you haven’t had much water to drink and you’redehydrated.

Foamy urine can also indicate that you have too much of a protein, such as白蛋白, in your urine. The protein in your urine reacts with the air to create foam.

Normally, your kidneys filter extra water and waste products out of your blood into your urine. Protein and other important substances that your body needs are too big to fit through the kidneys’ filters, so they stay in your bloodstream.


A less common cause of foamy urine isretrograde ejaculation,这种情况是在精液后退到膀胱中而不是从阴茎中释放出来的男人中发生的。

淀粉样变性是一种罕见的疾病,也会引起泡沫urin吗e, fluid buildup, and problems for the kidneys. It is caused by the buildup of a specific protein, and can affect many organs.

服用药物苯并吡啶(吡啶,偶氮标准,uristat,azo)是泡沫尿液的另一个不太常见的原因。人们服用这种药物来治疗疼痛urinary tract infections.

And sometimes, the problem is actually just your toilet. Some toilet cleaning chemicals can make your urine look foamy. If this is the cause, the foam should stop as soon as you flush the cleaner out of the toilet.

You might be more likely to have foamy urine if you have a full bladder, which can make your urine stream more forceful and faster.



The causes of retrograde ejaculation include:

Contact your doctor if you suspect you have kidney disease or retrograde ejaculation, or if your urine continues to look foamy.

Your doctor will likely take a urine sample to test protein levels in your urine. One urine test, taken over a 24-hour period, compares albumin levels to levels ofcreatinine,这是肌肉分解时产生的物质。

This is called the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR). It shows how well your kidneys are filtering your blood. If your UACR is higher than 30 milligrams per gram (mg/g), you might have kidney disease. Your doctor will do other tests to check how well your kidneys are working.


Treatment for foamy urine depends on its cause. If your urine is concentrated, drinking more water and other fluids will relieve dehydration and stop the foaming.

Treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure


Your doctor will recommend that you eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise to help treat diabetes. You’ll have to test yourblood sugaroften to make sure it’s staying within a healthy range.

High blood sugar can damage your kidneys. You might also need to take medicine that lowers your blood sugar.



Treatment for retrograde ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation doesn’t need to be treated unless you want to father a child or the dry orgasms bother you. Your doctor can treat this condition with drugs that are approved for use for other conditions but that also close the bladder neck so that semen can’t get inside your bladder.

Off-label use of the following drugs can help treat this condition:

  • brompheniramine
  • 氯苯胺(氯 - 三体过敏12小时,氯芬SR)
  • ephedrine
  • 丙咪胺(tofranil)
  • phenylephrine (4-Way Nasal, Neo-Synephrine, Neo-Synephrine Mild, Neo-Synephrine Extra Strength)
  • pseudoephedrine (Sudafed Congestion, Nexafed, Zephrex-D)

“Off-label drug use” means that a drug that’s been approved by the FDA for one purpose is used for a different purpose that hasn’t been approved. However, a doctor can still use the drug for that purpose.

This is because the FDA regulates the testing and approval of drugs, but not how doctors use drugs to treat their patients. So, your doctor can prescribe a drug however they think it is best for your care.


Less often, it could be a sign of retrograde ejaculation if you’re a male, or it could be an effect of a drug you’re taking. Treating the condition or stopping the drug that’s causing it should stop the foaming.


But see your doctor if:

  • the foamy urine doesn’t go away within a few days
  • 您还会出现肿胀,恶心,呕吐,食欲不振和疲劳等症状
  • 你的尿液也多云或血腥
  • 如果您是男性,则性高潮几乎没有流畅,或者您一直在试图使女性伴侣怀孕一年或更长时间,而没有成功