High knees might seem like a simple exercise to perform, but cranking out a few sets of this high energy move gets your heart pumping, activates your lower body and core muscles, and leads to a quick sweat.

What’s more, high knees can serve as a warmup, cardio burst between resistance training exercises, or part of a high intensity interval training workout.

可以看到高膝盖能帮你做什么吗?读on to learn how to do them, their benefits, the muscles recruited, variations, and when to do high knees.

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我们大多数人都可以回想起小学或中学的一轮高膝盖PE class.

While our younger selves might have been able to rep this move without a problem, there’s a good chance we missed learning the steps to perform the high knees exercise properly.


  1. Stand tall with your feet about hip-to-shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  2. 直视前方,打开胸部,并吸引核心肌肉。
  3. Begin by bringing your right knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level. Simultaneously, move your left hand up in a pumping motion.
  4. 快速降低右腿和左手。
  5. 用左腿和右手重复。
  6. Alternate your right and left leg for the desired time.

How long you do high knees depends on your goal and overall fitness level. To start, aim for 30 seconds, with a 30-second rest between each set.


您不需要任何特殊的设备即可进行高膝盖 - 仅仅是您的体重和一双支撑鞋。

The high knees exercise is an excellent weight-bearing, full-body movement that increases your heart rate, warms the muscles in your lower and upper body, and prepares you for more complex exercises and activities. Here are some benefits of high knees.

Increases heart rate and burns calories

高膝盖被认为心血管运动. Within a few seconds of beginning the move, you will notice an increase in your heart rate and breathing. As you continue alternating knees and arms, you’ll also burn calories.

高膝盖被认为是大多数卡路里图表上的健美操锻炼。当进行剧烈演奏时,高膝盖等健美操练习每分钟可以燃烧大约7卡路里的卡路里。如果您以适度的速度工作,则可以期望每分钟使用约3.5-7卡路里( 1) .

Targets your lower body

高膝盖激活股四头肌,腿筋,小腿,臀部和臀部屈肌,有助于改善肌肉发达的endurance, balance, and coordination in these muscles.

When done at a high intensity and with bounding or explosive knee drives, they can also improve power in your lower body ( 2 ).

Recruits your core muscles

High knees require assistance from your core or abdominal muscles. Not only does this make the move more effective, but activating the core muscles can also help improve posture.

根据2015年的研究,跑步与高膝盖相似,同时还要屈服于腹部肌肉,可以帮助您改善姿势( 3 ).


The high knees exercise improves cardiovascular endurance, burns calories, boosts lower-body endurance and strength, improves coordination, and strengthens the abdominal muscles.


More specifically, the lower-body muscles most active when performing high knees include:

  • 股四头肌
  • glutes
  • 小牛
  • hamstrings
  • hip flexors

With any movement, your abdominal orcore muscles介入以稳定并协助形式和功能。在高膝盖期间,您可以指望使用您的transverse abdominis并倾斜以正确执行移动并确保您的下背部安全。

Finally, don’t forget about contracting the biceps and triceps while pumping your arms.




Nevertheless, trying a variation of this old-school move can help stave off boredom, increase the challenge, or in some cases, decrease the intensity to make the move more accessible. Here are some variations of high knees.




Decrease the intensity and impact

You can decrease the intensity and impact of high knees by slowing your pace.

For example, instead of driving your knee up to your chest in a running motion, slowly lift and lower it in a marching or walking-in-place movement. This turns the move into a低冲击运动,这是更容易在关节(4).


You can make high knees more challenging by increasing your knee height, pace, time, or the number of reps. Conversely, to decrease the level of difficulty, reduce your pace, knee height, time, or the number of reps.




If doing continuous high knees is too challenging, aim for 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off, and repeat for 2–3 minutes.

Cardio or HIIT routine

您可以在任何有氧运动或high intensity interval (HIIT)routine. If you’re building a bodyweight workout, include high knees along with other cardio moves like:

  • jumping jacks
  • high kicks
  • 横向啤酒花
  • 登山者
  • burpees
  • uppercuts
  • 木板千斤顶
  • 溜冰者
  • squat jumps

Cardio bursts during weight training


According to a 2016 study that assessed 96 recreationally active college students, circuit training may improve muscle endurance among moderately fit populations ( 5 ).

For example, perform a 30-second high knees cardio burst between each set of resistance training exercises. You can still rest before the next set, but instead of a full rest, cut the time in half.


High knees can be included in a cardio circuit, between strength training exercises, or as a warmup before other activities.


Adding this move to your overall fitness routine can help boost cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, strengthen your abdominal and lower-body muscles and prepare your body for more complex activities.

If you have any pain in your ankles, knees, or hips, it’s a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider or a physical theorist before performing this move. They can help you decide if high knees are right for you and provide guidance on modifying the move to keep you safe.