If gym workouts are a part of your routine, you know the importance of turning up with all of the essential gear — especially if you usually hit the gym before or after work or a social engagement.

An organized gym bag stocked with the basics can add ease to your routine, allowing you to focus on your workout and maximizing your time when you’re there.

Read on for recommended gym bag essentials for standard workouts as well as powerlifting, swimming, and boxing routines.

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Gym bag




Use a laundry bag to separate and store used towels and clothes. This protects your bag and its contents from odor, bacteria, and moisture.


Pack a pair of suitable athletic sneakers. If your routine varies, be sure to have the appropriate运动鞋你计划做的活动。使用一个脚粉in your shoes and socks to reduce moisture and prevent bacterial and fungal growth.


Pack your sneakers and shower shoes in a shoe bag. Once you’re home, take them out to make sure they dry completely.


Include a set of clean workout clothes, including socks and undergarments. To save space and prevent wrinkles, roll the items. Remember to pack extras if you want to change into something fresh after your workout.


If you plan to shower, a fast-drying microfiber towel is your best bet. Use a small cotton towel to absorb sweat during your workout. If needed, carry a small towel to wipe down equipment.

Water bottle

To stay hydrated, choose a reusablewaterbottle with a wide lid that’s easy to clean. Insulated bottles are the best option if you want to make hot or cold drinks.





If you want to track your progress, consider using a wearable device such as a smartwatch,heart rate monitor, 或者fitness tracker

First-aid kit


After your workout, you may want to shower and freshen up, especially if you aren’t going straight home. Rather than trying to remember to pack all of your favorite products on the reg, buy seconds or travel sizes of each and keep them in your bag, at the ready.



Carry an antiperspirant deodorant and antiperspirant wipes. Tosmell good, mix up a natural body spray using essential oils or make a decant of your favorite perfume or cologne.


If you menstruate, it’s always good to keep a stash of menstrual products such as tampons, pads, or menstrual cups.


Carry a small pouch of hair accessories such as bobby pins, elastic bands, and spiral hair ties. If you plan to wash your hair after your workout, you might want to apply a hair mask beforehand.



For easy hairstyles, arm yourself with a hydrating mist, styling balm, and dry shampoo. If your hair is prone to knotting, pack a detangler.


使用清洁湿巾或婴儿湿巾清洁脸部和身体。跟进身体乳液和sunscreenwith broad-spectrum UV protection of at least SPF 30. A lip balm is essential during dry, cold weather or if your lips are prone to dryness.

Face products

Have a stash of cotton pads to apply micellar water and witch hazel to your face. Both products work as cleansers and toners. Moisturize your face with a serum, light moisturizer, and nourishing oil. Blotting papers are great for removing shine and absorbing excess oil.


If you wear makeup, keep the basics in your gym bag. This may include concealer, mascara, and brow gel. For a healthy glow, apply a multitasking cream blush to your cheeks, eyelids, and lips.


If you don’t eat before your workout, bring along a simple, easy-to-eat breakfast. Consider bringing foods that contain both carbs and protein for effective锻炼后营养

Remember to bring along your briefcase with any work-related items, including your tablet and laptop.


为了稳定和支持,请打包kinesiology tape,以及手腕和膝盖包裹。使用举重皮带稳定您的核心和脊柱。为了最大程度地提高您的表现并防止受伤,请带一对weightlifting shoes

Swimmers may want to carry swimwear, a cap, and accessories such as goggles, earplugs, and nose clips. It might be a good idea to packswimmer’s ear dropsas well.

You may need an extra towel and waterproof or mesh bags, pouches, and cases to keep everything dry. Equipment such as a snorkel, fins, and paddles are optional.

Boxers can packboxing手套和手把,这有助于稳定r wrists and prevent sprains. For protection, bring headgear, a mouth guard, and shin guards. You can also carry ankle braces and knee and elbow pads. Men will also need a groin protector.

