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Some stretches hold the end range of a move for longer, while others hold the end range only for a moment. In addition, some forms of stretching involve contracting your muscles during the movement, while others call for your muscles to remain passive.

Regardless of the type, stretching can increase your flexibility. In turn, this can help you ( 1 ):

  • achieve or maintain full movement
  • 改善某些伤害症状
  • reverse the effects of sustained positions like sitting

拉伸involves moving your joints through their full range of motion. It can increase flexibility and reverse the effects of injuries.


Active and passive static stretching





For example, an active stretch would be lying on your back and lifting a straightened leg overhead, then holding it in the max position. This is usually performed for fewer than 30 seconds.



动态拉伸involves the gradual controlled movement of a joint toward the limits of its range of motion.

These movements tend to be similar to exercise movement patterns. For that reason, they tend to increase core temperature — which, theoretically, can prepare a joint for exercise movement (2)。

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching

PNF stretching involves passively stretching a joint to its end range and performing anisometriccontraction hold at that range. This is when a muscle is flexed but isn’t expanding or contracting.

As a result, the joint is actively or passively moved further into the range of motion.


弹道拉伸involves quickly and semi-forcefully moving a joint to its end range of motion, eliciting a maximal length for only a short period. You can use bouncing to achieve this ( 3 )。

However, keep in mind that if done incorrectly, ballistic stretching can come with a risk of injuring soft tissue like tendons or ligaments. Be sure to try this type of stretch only after consulting with a healthcare or exercise professional.




For a 150-pound (68-kg) person, the average calories burned by stretching is a mere 2.7 calories per minute. If your stretch routine takes 10 minutes, this would add up to 27 calories.

当拉伸与中等强度和更高强度的活动相结合时,该数字可能会增加,例如动态热身和某些形式的瑜伽,例如Power Yoga。


For comparison, higher intensity yoga, like power yoga, will burn about the same number of calories as a dynamic warmup, at around 36–71 calories in 10 minutes. For a 60-minute yoga class, that would add up to 216–426 calories ( 4 )。

So, unless a stretch is combined with an extended stretching session or other exercise, the number of calories burned is minimal.


单独拉伸通常每10分钟燃烧大约27卡路里。如果您结合了诸如Power Yoga之类的更高强度运动,则可以增加。

拉伸can assist with weight loss, though to a smaller extent than activities like jogging, biking, or high intensity interval training (HIIT).


整洁包括calories you burndoing normal daily activities like walking, cooking, putting away groceries, cleaning, and so on. When these activities are more active than, say, simply sitting and watching television, they contribute to a greater daily calorie burn.


拉伸increases how many calories you burn in a day, which can help you lose weight. However, it’s much less efficient than higher intensity activities like jogging, biking, or HIIT training.

A recent review found a limited correlation between stretching andmuscle hypertrophy-the increase and growth of muscle cells. This was seen when stretching was performed during rest between exercise sets and when more muscle force was applied during the stretch ( 5 )。



As a stand-alone exercise, stretching has a minimal effect on weight loss, though it can contribute to your daily caloric expenditure. It’s uncertain whether it may aid in muscle hypertrophy.

拉伸can be added to your workout in multiple ways, depending on your training objectives:

Dynamic stretches before a workout

动态拉伸和轻巧的有氧活动可以添加到warmup routinebefore exercise. This can increase the temperature of your muscles and improve elastic properties ( 6 )。


Begin by doing light aerobic activities like walking, light jogging, or cycling to warm up your muscles. Then, add progressively bigger movements of dynamic stretches like arm circles or forward and backward leg swings to your warm-up.

静态和PNF stretches before or between sets

静态和PNF stretching可以在锻炼前或在阻力训练和冲刺间隔期间进行运动。这可以帮助提供适当的运动运动。

限制对力量的潜在不利影响and exercise performance, hold the stretch for fewer than 60 seconds per muscle group and keep the discomfort from stretching light to moderate ( 7 )。

Stretches after a workout

最后,在锻炼后可以添加拉伸冷却。It can help restore range of motion after strength training and endurance-type activities where the same movement is repeated for longer.

Just like when you’re sitting, the muscles and tendons conform to the forces put on them. Stretching can help restore flexibility lost in the legs from running and high rep or high intensity workouts.




  • Start slow.It’s easier to work into greater ranges of motion as you adapt to the discomfort of the stretches. In addition, keep the movements controlled.
  • Work into moderate discomfort at most.这与痛苦不同。将拉伸感觉与疼痛感觉区分开很重要。
  • Consider the timing.If you’re stretching before exercise, a competition, or an athletic event, research shows that allowing at least 10 minutes between stretching and the event may be the best way to prevent a decrease in performance (2)。
  • Keep consistent.Consistency is key when it comes to chronic improvements in muscle length. This is regardless of the method you employ to工作灵活性,尽管这可能不适用于弹道拉伸( 8 )。

Start slowly when stretching and work into discomfort but not pain. Allow some time between stretching and exercise to keep it from decreasing your performance. Finally, stay consistent if you want to see lasting results.


The main benefit is the possibility to restore or optimize the range of motion in a joint — for example, after a decrease resulting from repetitive movements, injuries, or lifting heavier weights.



Adding stretching to your workouts can help restore range of motion to a joint and warm up your muscles before exercise.

There are multiple types of stretching, all of which have been shown to improve joint flexibility and prepare your body for movements.

While stretching alone doesn’t burn a significant number of calories, you can still use it as an exercise warmup or part of more vigorous practices, like certain forms of瑜伽

Plus, stretching may boost muscle hypertrophy when used in between sets or if you use active resistance, though more research is needed.

It’s easy to incorporate stretching into your exercise routine, and it can be performed before, during, or after a workout.