There are right and wrong ways to getting an accurate picture of your health.


泡泡的许多答案都将围绕减肥而集中 - 因此,首先要知道的是:It is 100 percent OK to love your body and still want to lose weight.





In other words, what exactly is the right way to weigh yourself?


  • 1倍周
  • in the mornings
  • same way every time (e.g., after pooping, with or without clothes)
  • with a tracker
  • 仅当它不会引发焦虑或饮食无序

If you’re tracking progress, you might be tempted to hop on the scale on a daily basis — but don’t.

“There’s no reason to weigh yourself more than once a week. With daily water fluctuations, body weight can change drastically on a day-to-day basis,” says Rachel Fine, registered dietitian and owner ofTo the Pointe Nutrition.

“Weighing yourself at the same time on a weekly basis will give you a more accurate picture.”

When your weekly weigh-in rolls around, don’t hop on the scale after drinking a bottle of water or eating a meal. For the most accurate weight, weigh yourself first thing in the morning.

“ [早上称重自己是最有效的],因为您已经有足够的时间来消化和处理食物(您的'过夜'')。它不会受到您所吃或尚未处理的处理的影响。”注册营养师兼所有者Lauren O’Connor说Nutri Savvy Health.



Anonymous patient


如果您真的致力于减肥,那么在家中称重自己是更好的选择。您不仅可以在早上权衡自己的第一件事(就像O’Conner建议的那样),而且还可以确保您的秤得到正确校准并给您准确的阅读 - 这是您在健身房无法做的事情。



If you weigh yourself naked one week and decked out in workout clothes the next, the number on the scale is going to be different — but it’s going to have nothing to do with how much weight you’ve gained or lost. (Sneaker weight doesn’t count!)


You’re weighing yourself once a week. You’re seeing the number on the scale go down. But if you really want to squeeze the most benefit out of your relationship with your scale, you need to track your progress.

跟踪减肥 - 无论是通过保持每周称重的电子表格还是使用减肥应用程序— will help you get a better overall picture of what’s happening with your body.


Make it automatic Even better? Invest in a smart scale, which connects to an app on your phone. Not only will the scale and app automatically track your weight loss progress, but smart scales also measure things other than weight, like body fat percentage and muscle mass, which can give you a better overview of your health as a whole.

It’s OK to give up the scale, especially if it’s not making you feel any healthier or better about yourself.

Tried it and all it did was give you anxiety? Ditch it.


Sometimes the best measurement is progress, including discovering that the scale isn’t for you.

For people with eating disorders or disordered eating habits, a scale in your home can be completely unnecessary. Weigh-ins can be left to meetings with your healthcare provider so you can focus your energy on other things that make you healthy and happy.

It’s important to remember that while the scale is a helpful way to gauge your progress, it’s by no means the只要方法。权衡自己的一部分正确的方法是认识到规模上的数字并不总是说明整个故事。

如果您选择每周称重一次,请投资智能量表,它为您提供更多信息,而不仅仅是体重,例如体内脂肪的百分比和肌肉质量 - 但也以其他方式跟踪您的进度。

“还有许多其他ch方法eck in besides the scale, including your energy levels… how tight your clothes are fitting, [and] tracking food and exercise,” reminds O’Conner.


迪安娜·德巴拉(Deanna Debara)是一位自由作家,最近从阳光明媚的洛杉矶迁至俄勒冈州的波特兰。当她不着迷于她的狗,华夫饼或哈利·波特的所有东西时,您可以跟随她的旅程Instagram.