

While cardio can build a small amount of muscle, you’ll need to incorporate strength training to really see muscle gain. The real benefit of cardio exercise is that it burns calories, which can help you to maintain or lose weight, when combined with the right diet. There are some nutrition guidelines you can follow to make sure you’re getting the most out of your post-workout meal.

If you did less than an hour of cardio at a low or moderate intensity, you probably did not deplete all of your muscle’s energy stores. Energy is stored in the muscle as glycogen, a chain of sugar molecules. Your body uses fat and sugar to fuel aerobic exercise. If you haven’t eaten or have done a longer and/or more intense cardio workout, be sure to eat within 45 to 60 minutes to restore muscle glycogen. This is primarily important for those who will be exercising again soon.


  • If you fasted before you trained, you should consume a combination of protein and carbohydrates shortly after your workout to promote muscle growth. If you haven’t eaten for four to six hours before a workout, you may also benefit from a protein- and carbohydrate-rich meal immediately after a workout.
  • 如果你吃了一到两小时的前货,那么即使在运动后也可能足以促进肌肉建筑。这是因为在吃饭后,从食物中分解的肌肉建筑氨基酸在血液中留在血液中长达两个小时。

With this in mind, here’s what you should eat after different cardio workouts.

If you’re supplementing your strength training routine with a standard 30- to 45-minute moderate intensity cardio session (like a 5K run or Zumba class), you should focus on replenishing lost fluids afterward. Although your heart rate is elevated and you’re sweating, your caloric expenditure was still relatively low.

After this type of cardio workout, drink at least 8 ounces of water. Drink more if you weren’t properly hydrated before exercising.

You can substitute coconut water, but stay away from sports drinks like Gatorade that provide an unnecessary amount of sugar for a shorter workout.

HIIT workouts, like sprints or a cycling class, combine short bursts of all-out activity with short periods of rest. This type of cardio, called anaerobic exercise, is an intense workout. You’ll burn more calories for a given amount of time, and you’ll experience the afterburn effect, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

EPOC is the amount of oxygen required to return the body to its resting state. HIIT sessions stimulate a higher EPOC because you consume more oxygen during them. This creates a larger deficit to replace post-workout. It means you’ll continue to burn calories even after your HIIT session is over.




Examples of these types of meals include:

  • 用一个蛋白质和香蕉勺蛋白质摇动
  • 一杯巧克力牛奶
  • 希腊酸奶用浆果
  • 全麦面包的金枪鱼

If you’re training for a race and putting in some serious cardio miles, those hours of exercise require thoughtful refueling, too.



