

So, what should you do instead? Try planks. A great alternative to crunches, planks can help improve core strength and stability. Here’s everything you need to know about planks to help keep your tummy tight and your core strong.


  • 高木板。进入俯卧撑位置或开始。将手掌和脚趾牢固地扎在地面上,向后笔直,核心紧绷。木板期间下垂的背部或底部可能会导致下背部疼痛,因此请确保不要损害您的表格。不要让你的头会下垂。
  • Low plank。向下降低前臂,保持与高木板相同的定位和形式。



计划ks require your arms, your legs, and all of your abs, making them an all-encompassing workout and a more efficient way to exercise.


通过加强背部,胸部,肩膀,颈部和腹肌,此练习使您的肩膀和下背部保持中性位置变得更加容易,这是坐着或站立的中性位置 - 两个重要的姿势重要组成部分。


While it may not feel like it, planks are a great way to stretch out the lower half of your body.

Getting into the hold position lengthens your hamstrings as well as the arches of your feet, making the plank pose a dual strength and stretch exercise.

If you want to stretch your sides, side planks with an extended arm can target that individual area of your body.

While the classic plank is a great go-to exercise, planks can also be modified and added to in order to suit what your body needs.

Dropping to your forearms in the plank position is one modification you can do. Increasing the length of time you hold the pose is another way to maximize the exercise. Start with a 15- to 30-second hold, and increase your time from there.


Want to incorporate planks into your everyday regime? Try these different variations on the classic exercise.

Side planks

If you want to target your side abdominals and strengthen your spine, try side planks.

发表在Global Advances in Health and Medicinefound that side planks could also help reduce spinal curvature in scoliosis patients. That means they can even help reduce the chances of spinal problems, or the need for corrective surgery in the future.

  1. Lie on your right side and prop yourself up onto your right forearm, which should be on the ground. Your elbow should be in line with your shoulder.
  2. Raise your hips up so that your body forms a straight line to the ground, and along with the floor, your body forms a triangle shape.
  3. The sides of your right foot will also be braced on the ground. You can try stacking your left foot on top of your right foot, or placing both feet on the ground.

If you want to increase your balance challenge, try lifting your free arm in the air. Remember to switch sides!


To boost your balance, try shoulder touches.

  1. 从经典的木板姿势中,将右手从地面上摘下,轻轻敲击左肘。用左臂和脚趾平衡。
  2. Return your right hand to the ground, and repeat the action on your opposite side.
  3. 在每一侧进行10次抽头以开始,但随着余额的提高,请增加数量。

The movement may be tricky to master at first, but it will engage your entire core while also improving your balance.

Knee touches


  1. 在经典木板姿势中滴到前臂。
  2. Alternate touching your knees to the ground.
  3. Make sure you’re tapping the floor lightly, and keep your back straight. Don’t compromise your form!


Now that you know how to plank, get ready for some killer abs! A stronger core will increase your athletic performance and everyday abilities.