You don’t have to stick to water

Let’s face it — water can, even at its best, taste boring. But proper post-workout hydration is crucial, especially if you want to recover properly and maintain endurance.

好消息是,水并不是您唯一可以饮用的补充液体损失的东西。不仅可以选择运动饮料或一瓶水。为了获得最佳水合,这里有五种与水和水的水合在一起的饮料 - 一些选择甚至可能使您感到惊讶。

There’s some good news for chocolate fans. Chocolate milk has double the carbohydrates compared to its plain counterpart, making it a great choice for post-workout recovery. Consuming carbs after exercise replenishes the muscles by replacing the glycogen lost during a workout. Pair carbs with protein and you have the best 恢复潜力 for tired muscles.

Losing too many electrolytes through sweating can also cause an array of症状,,,,including fatigue, muscle cramps, and mental confusion. Chocolate milk can help with that. Its high water content can hydrate and replenish essential electrolytes, such aspotassium,,,,calcium,,,,andmagnesium

研究发现巧克力牛奶非常有益,特别是对骑自行车的人,耐力运动员和跑步者。一从2010年开始的研究showed that chocolate milk improved recovery and subsequent performance in cyclists more effectively than an isocaloric carbohydrate drink. A2011年研究found milk more effective than water for combating exercise-induced dehydration in children.


  • high water content
  • essential electrolytes
  • carbs to replace lost glycogen


In 2012, one study found coconut water to be just as beneficial for post-workout recovery as both sports drinks and water. But the findings also noted that drinking coconut water and coconut water concentrate could cause bloating and an upset stomach compared to sports drinks. So you may want to avoid throwing back a coconut water like you would a sports drink and instead hydrate slowly.

椰子水also contains less sodium than sports drinks, which is critical for replenishing after sweaty workout sessions. While endurance athletes should probably reach for something else, coconut water is proven to be a不错的选择for lighter workouts.

椰子水for post-workout contains

  • high levels of potassium and magnesium
  • lots of antioxidants and nutrients
  • less sodium than sports drinks

Recovery for those tired, sore muscles might just already be in your refrigerator. Antioxidant-richcherry juiceaids in reducing inflammation and benefits muscle recovery and function. That sounds like just the ticket for an effective post-workout recovery drink!

一2010 study examined marathon runners who drank cherry juice both before and after their run and concluded that the juice contributed to quicker muscle recovery. It does this by increasing antioxidants and decreasing inflammation and lipid peroxidation.

一个2006年的研究backed up this claim, showing that cherry juice not only decreased muscle damage, but also significantly prevented strength loss when compared to a placebo. While cherry juice can be beneficial for both endurance athletes and everyday workouts alike, it’s important to find the unsweetened version and keep your fill to just one serving (10 ounces).


  • 抗炎反应的辅助
  • 减少肌肉损伤
  • prevents strength loss

Your relaxing cup of tea has more benefits than you think. 研究显示 那茶,俩greenand黑色的,在有氧运动和锻炼后恢复过程中,可以有效地在脂肪氧化(将脂肪分解为储存和用于能量的较小分子的过程中)。就像樱桃汁一样,茶的高水平的抗氧化剂已被证明可以帮助降低肌肉酸痛并更快地恢复肌肉力量。

In 一项特定的研究 from 2010, trained male athletes found many benefits from drinking tea after completing intensive sprints. Their bloodwork showed that they had higher antioxidant levels and lower cortisol levels after consuming tea rich in the antioxidant theaflavin. The tea also provided less DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) for the athletes.

Tea for post-workout

  • is effective in fat oxidation
  • reduces muscle soreness
  • recovers muscle strength

You might be onto something if you love a good happy hour after your workout session. Beer, like sports drinks, contain carbs and electrolytes. And studies 得出的结论是,运动后的啤酒对水合没有负面影响。实际上,饮食中等的人往往是more active。Light beer with added sodium specifically has been shown to 更换流体损失 after high-intensity cycling.

如果您可以拿起非酒精啤酒,那里也有胜利。已显示非酒精啤酒可减少赛场后的炎症 healthy male runners and upper respiratory tract illness incidence. Moderation is key here, though. Too much alcohol can suppress muscle protein synthesis ,让您在健身房的努力工作。

啤酒for post workout

  • 包含碳水化合物和电解质
  • 取代流体损失
  • may reduce post-workout inflammation


Tiffany La Forge is a professional chef, recipe developer, and food writer who runs the blog欧洲防风草和糕点。Her blog focuses on “Real Food for a Balanced Life,” seasonal recipes, and approachable health advice. When she’s not in the kitchen, Tiffany enjoys yoga, hiking, traveling, organic gardening, and hanging out with her Corgi, Cocoa. Visit her at her blog or onInstagram