What are calisthenics?

Calisthenics are exercises that don’t rely on anything but a person’s own body weight. These exercises are performed with differing levels of intensity and rhythm. Sometimes these exercises are done with light handheld tools like rings and wands.

These exercises allow for the development of strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.

健美操是在古希腊开发的,并在19世纪初再次流行。如今,对运动员,军事人员,执法人员以及试图保持身材的人们进行健身培训,并使用这些练习来为艰苦的运动加热或帮助建立身体。科学家现在还在研究使用健美操以帮助治疗从肥胖到各种健康状况 COPD

Here is a calisthenics workout for beginners that works various parts of the body for a complete, full-body workout:


  1. Stand facing an exercise bar.
  2. 从顶部抓住杠铃,双臂略高于肩膀宽度。
  3. 用肩部肌肉将您拉起,将头抬起在酒吧上。

  1. Stand facing an exercise bar.
  2. Grasp the bar from underneath with your arms in a tight, slightly closer than shoulder-width grip.
  3. Use your biceps to pull you up, bringing your head up over the bar.

  1. Stand inside a dip bar and use your arms and shoulders to lift you off the ground.
  2. 使用三头肌向后弯曲肘部,使您上下移动。


  1. Stand with your body facing forward and your feet parallel, directly underneath your shoulders.
  2. Move your feet a few inches apart with your toes pointed slightly outward.
  3. Lower yourself into the squat, lowering your hips back and down while bending your knees.
  4. Keep your chest upright, with your head and face forward.
  5. Get into as deep a squat as possible, and then explode forcefully upward into a jump.

Never extend your knees over your toes, as that moves the strain of the squat to the knee joints. This can injure your knee joints.

  1. Get on your knees and place your hands underneath, but slightly outside, your shoulders.
  2. 伸出双腿,同时用手臂抬起身体,进入“木板”位置。
  3. 注意不要让背部或背面伸向空中。
  4. Lower your body by bending your elbows close to your body until your chest almost touches the floor.
  5. Your upper arms should form a 45-degree angle when the top part of your body is in the lower pushup position.
  6. 当您处于较低位置时,请暂停,然后快速向上推回起始位置。
  7. 在整个运动过程中,保持腹部或核心弯曲。

  1. Lay on the ground with your back flat.
  2. 将脚平放在地面上,以90度的角度弯曲膝盖。
  3. 将手交叉在胸部上,并保持头顶距离胸部的距离。
  4. Keeping your core tight, sit up until your elbows or chest touch your knees.
  5. Focus on using your core muscles to pull you up, breathing out as you sit up and breathing in as you lie down.

  1. Stand facing forward with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your weight in your heels and your arms at your sides.
  2. Push your hips back, bending your knees and lowering into a squat.
  3. 将手掌放在您面前的地板上,比保持脚的窄一点。
  4. 将重量放在手中,向后跳,轻轻地降落在脚的球上,身体处于直立的木板位置。
  5. 注意不要让背部或背面伸向空中。
  6. 将脚向前跳,使他们落在您的手旁边。
  7. 将手臂推到头上,迅速跳入空中。

  1. 抓住跳绳手柄,握住与身体中心线的距离大致相同的距离。
  2. 用手腕(而不是肘部或肩膀)旋转绳索,同时跳出大约一到两英寸的地面,清除绳索。
  3. 跳跃时,保持脚趾的指向,膝盖稍微弯曲。

Calisthenics exercises require a person use their own body weight to perform strength-training movements. Weight exercises, on the other hand, require a person use dumbbells or other weighted apparatuses to perform strength-training movements.

根据研究人员的说法,至少在短期内,健美操和体重锻炼至少会产生相似的身体结果。例如,一个学习researchers had 15 men follow a weight-based training workout and 17 men follow the U.S. Army’s calisthenics-based Standardized Physical Training program for 1.5 hours a day, five days a week, for eight weeks. At the end of the eight weeks, both groups’ fitness increased to a similar degree.

Calisthenics exercises appear to increase physical fitness to a similar degree as weight-based training exercises. The benefit of calisthenics over weight-based training exercises is that calisthenics requires little-to-no additional equipment — all you need is your body!