

In the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the 美国卫生与公共服务部(HHS) 建议6至17岁的儿童和青少年每天至少进行一小时中等至高强度的有氧运动。在一周的至少三天的时间里,增强肌肉的力量训练活动也应成为60分钟的锻炼程序的一部分。

This may seem like a lot, but it’s easy to see how the minutes can add up when you consider all of the running and playing an active child does on a daily basis. Here are some guidelines to help you choose age-appropriate fitness activities for your kids.

Ages 3 to 5

It’s recommended that children ages 3 to 5 be physically active throughout the day. Regular activity can help improve bone health and start patterns to keep them at a healthy weight as they grow.

Preschoolers can play team sports, like soccer, basketball, or T-ball, as long as your expectations are realistic. Any sport at this age should be about play, not competition. Most 5-year-old children aren’t coordinated enough to hit a pitched ball and don’t have true ball-handling skills on the soccer field or basketball court.

Swimming is another healthy way to encourage your child to be active. It’s fine to introduce kids to水安全在6个月至3岁之间。美国红十字会是该国领先的水安全和指导组织,建议学龄前儿童及其父母首先参加基础课程。



Children have developed enough by age 6 that it’s possible for them to hit a pitched baseball and pass a soccer ball or basketball. They can also do gymnastics routines and confidently pedal and steer a two-wheeled bike. Now is the time to expose children to diverse athletic and fitness-related activities.

不同的运动压力生长板的不同,品种有助于确保健康的整体发展。过度使用伤害(例如stress fractures足球运动员的脚跟疼痛)越来越普遍,当孩子一个季节一个季节的同一运动时就会发生。


Hand-eye coordinationreally kicks in at this point. Children are usually able to hit and accurately throw a baseball and make solid contact with a golf or tennis ball. It’s fine to encourage competition, as long as you don’t put all the focus on winning.

If children are interested in participating in events such as short triathlons or distance running races, these are safe as long as they have trained for the event and maintain healthy hydration.


Kids may lose interest in the structured environment of organized sports as they reach adolescence. They may wish to focus instead on strength- or muscle-building exercises. But unless your child has entered青春期,阻止举重重物。

鼓励更健康的选择,例如弹力管和带,以及body-weight exercises像下蹲和俯卧撑。这些会产生力量,而不会使骨骼和关节处于危险之中。

青春期的孩子应该绝不attempt a one-rep max (the maximum weight a person can lift in one try) in the weight room.


Age 15 and older

一旦您的青少年经历了青春期并准备举重,敦促他们参加体重培训课程或与专家进行一些课程。形式不佳can harm muscles and cause fractures.

If your high schooler expresses interest in endurance events like triathlons or marathons, there’s no reason to say no (although many races have minimum age requirements).

Remember that proper training is just as important for teens as it is for their parents. Just keep an eye on nutrition and hydration and learn to recognize the signs of heat-related illness.


Staying active at any age helps to promote overall health.

Building a healthy foundation is important for raising children to be healthy adults. Children are naturally active, and encouraging this with fitness guidance will create lasting habits.