
Fidgeting is making small movements with your body, usually your hands and feet.

It’s associated with not paying attention, and often reflects discomfort and restlessness. For example, if you’ve been listening to a lecture for a long time, you may find yourself tapping your pencil.


Some scientists argue that the “mental break” fidgeting provides is actually your body’s way of trying to stay focused on the task at hand. However, another study 暗示一个烦躁的身体只是反映了一个流浪的思想。

Stresscan also cause fidgeting. In some cases, fidgeting can relieve feelings of stress.


  • tapping your foot, your fingernails, or a pencil
  • blinking your eyes
  • shifting your weight
  • folding and unfolding your arms
  • 交叉和解开双腿


Mild fidgeting appears to be caused by inattention. Serious fidgeting can be caused by conditions such asattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)andrestless leg syndrome (RLS)


三种多动症: inattentive, hyperactive, and combined. Hyperactive and combined ADHD may produce the following behaviors:

  • 烦躁和蠕动
  • 安静活动的困难
  • excessive talking
  • interrupting others often

These symptoms are often typical of children. You should see a doctor if these symptoms are interfering with your child’s social or academic functioning.



  • genetics
  • 低出生体重
  • 头部受伤
  • brain infection
  • 缺铁
  • 接触lead, alcohol, tobacco, or cocaine before birth


Fidgeting at night can be a symptom of RLS. This is a neurological disorder that causes an uncomfortable feeling in your legs and a strong desire to move them. Symptoms usually happen at night during sleep or when you’re trying to relax.

据估计 7%至10%的美国人口具有RLS 。You should talk to your doctor if RLS is seriously affecting your sleep.

The cause of RLS isn’t known. But RLS can be triggered by long periods of inactivity, such as a long car trip, a long distance flight, or a long movie.


More severe fidgeting caused by ADHD can be treated with prescription drugs and counseling. A doctor can diagnose your ADHD through medical, educational, and psychological evaluations.

Psychostimulant drugs like methylphenidate are often prescribed to manage ADHD. Their side effects can include:

Doctors may also prescribe抗抑郁药oranti-anxiety drugs。有时,您的医生可能建议使用药物。您的多动症也可以通过咨询来管理。辅导员可以帮助您发展技能以应付多动症的症状。


  • Take a warm shower or bath before bedtime.
  • Try a正念活动睡前,例如读书或做填字游戏。
  • Take a quick walk before bed.
  • Try lightly massaging your legs before you sleep.

Mild fidgeting isn’t life-threatening. Your fidgeting may affect the way that others view you because they may assume that you’re not paying attention. If you’re concerned about the effect fidgeting is having on your life, you should consult a doctor or seek counseling.

Serious fidgeting caused by ADHD and RLS can be managed with proper treatment.