
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a condition in which bone grows outside the skeleton. Abnormal bone growth replaces connective tissue, including tendons and ligaments.

FOP is caused by a genetic mutation. It’s the only recognized condition that causes one organ system to morph into another.

There’s no cure for this chronic, progressive disorder. The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms.

Continue reading to learn more about FOP and why early diagnosis is crucial, plus tips for raising awareness of this condition.

FOP becomes apparent early in childhood. Infants are usually born with short, malformed big toes. Bone and joint problems make it hard for babies to learn to crawl. Abouthalf of people使用FOP也有畸形的拇指。

Bone overgrowth tends to start in the neck and shoulders, causing periodic bouts of painful inflammation. This is sometimes accompanied by a low-grade fever.


  • Movement can become severely restricted as bone grows into joints.
  • 脊柱可能变形或融合。
  • 有限的流动性可能导致平衡和协调问题,可能导致由于下降而导致伤害。即使是轻微伤害也会导致更多的炎症和骨骼生长。
  • 胸部的骨骼生长会限制呼吸,从而增加呼吸道感染的风险。任何病毒疾病都会引发大火。
  • Limited movement of the jaw can make it hard to eat, which can lead to malnutrition and weight loss. Talking can also be difficult.
  • 关于half of people具有FOP经验的听力障碍。
  • 血液流量不佳会导致血液或腿部的血液集合,从而导致明显的肿胀。



  • tongue
  • 膜片
  • extraocular muscles
  • 心肌
  • smooth muscle



有FOP的父母有一个 50% chance of passing it on to their child.

FOP极为罕见。有800 confirmed cases worldwide, with 285 of them in the United States. Gender, ethnicity, and race play no role. Unless you have a parent with FOP, there’s no way to assess your risk of developing the condition.


Diagnosis depends on medical history and clinical examination. Symptoms of FOP include:

  • 大脚趾的畸形
  • spontaneous flare-ups of inflammation or soft tissue swelling
  • increased flare-ups after injury, viral illness, or immunizations
  • difficulty moving
  • 由于跌倒而经常受伤


The misdiagnosis rate could be as high as80%。最常见的误诊是癌症,侵略性纤维瘤病和纤维发育不良。


It’s vitally important to get the correct diagnosis as soon as possible. That’s because certain tests and treatments for other conditions can cause flare-ups and encourage bone growth.


  • 皮质类固醇减轻爆发过程中的疼痛和肿胀
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) between flare-ups
  • assistive devices such as braces or special shoes to help with walking
  • 职业治疗


An important part of your treatment plan has to do with what to avoid. A biopsy, for example, can cause rapid bone growth to the area.




FOP is chronic and there’s no cure. Treatment can help ease symptoms and improve quality of life.


FOP可能会严重致残。 大多数人 with FOP will need a wheelchair by the time they reach their late 20s. The median lifespan for people with FOP is 40 years




Start by familiarizing yourself with organizations that raise awareness for FOP. They can tell you about programs and services, as well as how research dollars are spent. Here are a few:

Some of the organizations that raise awareness for rare diseases in general are:



  • Network with others affected by FOP or other rare diseases.
  • 与FOP或罕见疾病有关的联系组织。提供分享您的故事并自愿提供帮助。
  • 接触报纸和电视台,并提出要采访。
  • Contact health bloggers and ask them to write about FOP or let you provide a guest post. Or start your own blog.
  • 提议在学校和当地团体发言。参加健康博览会。加入NORD扬声器局。
  • Contact state and national representatives to discuss research funding.
  • Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to spread the word.
  • 为组织或特定研究项目筹集筹款活动。
  • Get involved inRare Disease Day