

  • 体积
  • motility
  • shape
  • ability to pass through the cervical mucus and make it to the egg
  • zona pellucida binding
  • 核反应

Sperm also need to have the right number of chromosomes for a successful pregnancy. A breakdown in any of these criteria can result in male-factor infertility.

An estimated 15–20 percent 全世界的夫妇受到不育的影响。其中,由于男性因素(包括精子运动),大约30-40%是不育的。由于男性和女性因素的结合,另外20%的人是不育的。


Healthy sperm motility is defined as sperm with forward progressions of at least 25 micrometers per second. If a man has poor sperm mobility, it’s called asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia. There are different types of sperm motility issues, including:

  • slow or sluggish progressive motility
  • 非促进运动,定义为每秒小于5微米的任何东西
  • 没有移动性

Sperm speed and gender: Fact or fiction?

It’s long been thought that sperm with Y chromosomes, or “boy” sperm, swim faster than sperm with X chromosomes, known as “girl” sperm. Studies have proven that this is a myth, however, and there is no noticeable difference in motility or speed between X and Y sperm.


低精子运动的确切原因可能会有所不同。有些男人可能有遗传原因,而另一些人可能患有未诊断的医疗状况。生活方式和环境因素在精子运动中也起着重要作用。例如,吸烟有 被链接 降低精子运动,尤其是如果该男子每天抽10多烟。在军队中工作或有工作的男人,包括绘画,驾驶或反复发生骨盆区域的创伤可能会面临工作引起的不孕症的风险。




Sperm motility can be tested through a routinesemen analysis. For the test, you’ll need to provide at least two semen samples. These are usually obtained by masturbation at a doctor’s office or testing facility. It’s also possible to obtain a sperm sample by having sex with a condom or withdrawing to obtain the sample. The sample must be kept at room temperature and delivered to the facility within 30 to 60 minutes. If less than 40 percent of your sperm are motile, your considered to have low sperm motility.

In addition to sperm motility, your doctor can also use a semen analysis to test:

  • the health of the male genital tract
  • 附件器官
  • 射精



  • 定期锻炼
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • 限制手机暴露
  • reduce alcohol
  • quit smoking

一些补充剂也可能有助于提高精子运动。例如, 一项研究 found a 52 percent increase in sperm motility in men who took a daily supplement of 200 micrograms of selenium along with 400 units of vitamin E for at least 100 days in a row. Speak to your doctor before taking supplements, and be careful about where you buy them. Supplements are not regulated, so you should only buy them from reputable vendors.

If the cause of the sperm mobility issue is a medical problem, such as low hormone levels or varicocele, medication such as follicle-stimulating hormone or human chorionic gonadotropin may help. In some cases, your doctor may recommend surgery.


Many factors can affect male fertility. If the sperm is otherwise healthy, pregnancy with low sperm motility can occur. Using a reproductive technology such asin vitro fertilization或宫内授精(IUI)可以帮助增加怀孕的机会。这是因为他们绕过了精子独自游泳的需求。
