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不孕症是常见的。事实上,在美国,关于 12 percent 15至44岁的女性难以遇到或保持怀孕。

This isn’t a one-sided concern: In more than 三分之一 男性女性夫妻,两个合作伙伴都有有助于难以遇到生物儿童的因素。

看待这一数据,意识到不孕症是一种多亿美元的行业,包括昂贵的处理in vitro fertilization

And there’s a constant search for the next big thing — a magic bullet of sorts — that will put an end to the struggle in both men and women, preferably for a reasonable price.

Enter sea moss. The internet is currently abuzz with claims that this red seaweed could be the answer, but does it live up to the hype?

The short answer is that this nutritionally beneficial sea vegetable has some promise but little evidence to back it up. Let’s take a closer look.

Like we mentioned, sea moss is a red seaweed/algae. It shares that classification with its more famous cousin, nori. Sea moss — scientifically known asChondrus crispus-也被称为爱尔兰苔藓。

It’s found in the more northern areas of the Atlantic Ocean, which is why it’s been harvested primarily in the northeastern United States and in northern Europe.

它也可以在加勒比群岛周围找到,在那里它被吹捧为春药for men (more about that in a minute).

Outside of the Caribbean, it’s more often used for its角叉菜胶- 反过来,它用于加厚食品和饮料。


Because sea moss is commonly used in the Caribbean as a natural sexual enhancement product for men, many say it can increase testosterone levels and sperm count, giving fertility a boost.

对于女性来说,它的说法ed that the nutrients in sea moss — particularly iodine, B vitamins, calcium, and zinc — make it a fertility powerhouse that can speed up the process of getting pregnant if you’re having trouble.



当谈到海莫斯是一个男性壮阳药,证据大多是轶事 - 那没关系。


But does sea moss really increase testosterone, and does higher testosterone mean higher fertility? The short answer is a twofold disappointment: There’s no scientific research suggesting that sea moss increases testosterone, and higher testosterone doesn’t equate to being more fertile.


然而,海洋苔藓的营养成分可能有助于健康的饮食,这有助于缓解对男性的不孕症有助于不孕的问题 - 如代谢综合征和肥胖。


There’s actually something to the claims that the nutrients in sea moss may help with babymaking.

例如,服用叶酸。据此 美国农业部(USDA) 。这是400 MCG日常建议的近一半。

Folate supplementation (synthetic form: folic acid) may be beneficial when you’re trying to conceive. That’s because this nutrient has been shown to improve pregnancy rates, according to a 2012 study

海苔还含有锌(每100克1.95毫克),已有researched in animals其对鸡蛋质量的影响。它现在通常建议您确保如果您试图设想,您确保您获得了足够的锌。

(Incidentally, folate and zinc supplementation may also improve sperm quality in some men, according to a 2013年研究 。)

The USDA doesn’t record iodine data for sea moss. However, many sea plants do contain this nutrient. Iodine deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism, and hypothyroidism may impair fertility.


There is no research specific to consuming sea moss to improve fertility in women.

如果您正在寻找补充剂以提高您的生育,那么有些产品在它们背后有更多的研究 - 比海洋苔藓Q10。

A high-quality产前维生素containing folate and B vitamins may be a good place to start. Perhaps most important for your overall health, be sure you’re consuming a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

在为您的日常方案添加任何补充之前,请与医生咨询。如果您一直试图怀孕超过一年 - 或者超过6个月,如果您在35岁以上 - 请向生殖内分泌学家或其他生育专家提出转诊。

There’s a lot of hype these days around sea moss as a natural remedy for infertility in both men and women.

But unfortunately, we’ve yet to find a magic bullet solution for this common issue. The old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” seems to apply here.

On the other hand, sea moss does have nutrients that are good for you.



Your doctor can point you in the right direction for getting what you need to help you grow your family.