Febrile seizures usually occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years, though they’re most common between 12 and 18 months of age.

These convulsions happen in children experiencing a rapidly rising fever of 102°F (39°C) and above. However, febrile seizures can also occur at lower body temperatures.

The main factor contributing to the seizure is the rapid change in body temperature rather than the high fever itself. They usually happen when your child has an illness.

There are two types of febrile seizures: simple and complex. Complex febrile seizures last longer. Simple febrile seizures are more common.


Simple febrile seizures


  • loss of consciousness
  • 摇动四肢或抽搐(通常是有节奏的)
  • 癫痫发作后的混乱或疲倦
  • no arm or leg weakness

简单的发热性癫痫发作是最常见的。大多数last less than 2 minutes but can last as long as 15 minutes. Simple febrile seizures rarely happen more than once in a 24-hour period.

Complex febrile seizure

Symptoms of complex febrile seizure are:

  • loss of consciousness
  • 四肢或抽搐
  • 暂时的弱点通常是在一只手臂或腿上

Complex febrile seizures last for more than 15 minutes. Multiple seizures may happen over a 30-minute period. They may happen more than once during a 24-hour time frame as well.


  • 您孩子的第一次癫痫发作的体温较低。
  • The next seizure happens within a year of the initial seizure.
  • Your child has fevers frequently.

This type of seizure tends to occur in children under 15 months of age.


There are several different causes for febrile seizures:

  • A fever that occurs after immunizations, especially theMMR (mumps measles rubella) immunization,可能导致发热性癫痫发作。免疫后的高烧最常发生在您的孩子接受免疫接种后8到14天。但是,这是非常罕见的,并且 vaccine 远远超过风险。如果您有疑问,请与您的医生交谈。
  • 由于病毒或细菌感染而导致的发烧会导致发热性癫痫发作。Roseola是发热癫痫发作的最常见原因。
  • 危险因素,例如让家人发热癫痫发作,会增加您孩子拥有他们的机会。

While febrile seizures often don’t cause any lasting issues, there are important steps to take when your child has one.

癫痫发作后,请务必立即与急诊科的医生或医疗专业人员联系。医生将要确保您的孩子没有meningitis, which can be serious. This is especially true for children under 1 year of age.


  • Roll them onto their side.
  • Don’t put anything in their mouth.
  • Don’t restrict the movement of the convulsions or shaking.
  • Move any objects that might harm them during the convulsions (furniture, sharp items, etc.).
  • Place the child in a safe area on the floor to prevent falling injuries.
  • Time the seizure.

Emergency treatment




Wipe their skin with a washcloth or sponge and room temperature water to cool them down.


Treatment of recurrent febrile seizures includes all of the above plus taking a dose of地西ep(valium)直肠施用的凝胶。如果您的孩子经常出现高热癫痫发作,可以教导您在家接受治疗。请注意,这种药物只能由医生开给您的孩子。

Children with recurrent febrile seizures have an increased chance of havingepilepsylater in their lives.


Reducing your child’s fever with ibuprofen or acetaminophen when they’re sick doesn’t prevent febrile seizures. Since the majority of febrile seizures have no lasting effects on your child, it’s normally not recommended to give any anti-seizure medications to prevent future seizures.

However, these preventative medications may be given if your child has recurrent febrile seizures or other risk factors.


However, have your child seen by your doctor or another medical professional as soon as you can after your child has a febrile seizure. Your doctor can confirm that it was in fact a febrile seizure and rule out anything else that may need further treatment.

Contact a medical professional immediately if the following symptoms occur:

  • 颈部僵硬
  • 呕吐
  • 呼吸困难
  • severe sleepiness

Your child will usually go back to normal activities soon after the seizure ends without further complications.