
远视means you can clearly see things that are far away, but things that are close-up are blurry. The technical term for farsightedness is hyperopia. According to the 国家眼科研究所 ,它影响了5%至10%的美国人。

要了解远视性,知道正常眼睛的工作原理是有帮助的。眼睛的两个部分负责聚焦:角膜and thelens. The cornea is the clear front surface of your eye. The lens is a structure inside your eye that changes shape as you focus on objects.

The cornea and lens work together to bend, or refract, incoming light. Then they focus that light onto your retina. The retina is at the back of your eyeball. It receives visual information and sends it to your optic nerve, which carries that information to your brain.

A perfectly formed, curved lens and cornea allow you to see a perfectly focused image. But if your cornea has a different shape, your eye can’t focus correctly.

视力有所不同程度,具体取决于眼睛专注于特写对象的能力。如果您只能清楚地看到非常遥远的对象,那么您就会严重远视。通常,可以纠正远视处方眼镜或者contact lenses. Some people have refractive surgery.

A flat cornea is one cause of farsightedness. You can also be farsighted if your eyeball is shorter than normal. This causes light to focus beyond your retina instead of on it. You’re more likely to be farsighted if your parents are.

If you’re farsighted, your eyes have to work hard to see anything up close. This causes eyestrain. Some symptoms of farsightedness are due to this extra eyestrain.

Symptoms include:

  • 视力模糊对于单词或对象近距离
  • 斜视看看更好
  • an aching or burning sensation around your eyes
  • a headache after reading or other tasks that require you to focus on something up close

在儿童中,斜视(crossed eyes)当尚未诊断和纠正大量远视时,可以发展。

An eye doctor can diagnose farsightedness during a basic eye examination.

  • First your eye doctor will check your vision at different distances with an eye chart.
  • 根据结果​​,他们可能建议进行扩张的眼科检查。为此,您的眼科医生将滴在眼睛中,使您的学生(每只眼睛中心的黑色圆圈)扩大(扩张)。扩张的眼睛让您的医生更清楚地看到眼睛的后背。
  • Your doctor uses a magnifying lens to look more closely at your eyes.
  • They’ll also have you look through a variety of lenses in order to correct your vision, making close objects appear clearly.



The simplest way to correct farsightedness is to get prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. These corrective lenses change the way light enters your eyes, helping you focus better.

Young people’s eyes can often compensate for vision problems like farsightedness because their eyes’ lenses are still flexible. In fact, farsightedness in children often does not need to be corrected. An eye doctor may prescribe eyeglasses for a child if:

  • there’s a big difference in vision between eyes
  • 他们正在发展斜视(交叉的眼睛)
  • their vision is greatly affected

Refractive surgery can also treat farsightedness. Surgery involves procedures like laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK).While this procedure ismore commonly used to treat nearsightedness, it can also treat farsightedness. LASIK uses a laser to change your cornea’s curvature so that light refracts correctly and projects a focused image on your retina.



  • 过度或不正确的愿景
  • seeing a starburst or halo around lights
  • 感染
  • 干眼睛



  • 进行定期的眼科检查,以帮助尽早发现问题。
  • Get yearly checkups if you have chronic conditions that could affect your vision, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • 如果您的眼睛问题(例如青光眼)持续存在,请遵循医生的治疗计划。
  • 如果您发生视力变化或眼睛疼痛,红眼睛或眼睛排出,请参阅医生。


