A false memory is a recollection that seems real in your mind but is fabricated in part or in whole.


Another example of a false memory is believing you were grounded for the first time for not washing dishes when you were 12, but your mom tells you it was because you were disrespectful to her — and it wasn’t the first time.




Memories are complex. While you might imagine a memory as a black or white element, the truth is memories are subject to change, malleable, and often unreliable.


False memory implantation


It may be hard to know which of these issues caused your false memories, but knowing can ultimately help you understand why false memories are so common.


Inference is a powerful force. You may create new false memories with someone else’s prompting or by the questions they ask.







In your memory, you may combine elements of different events into a singular one.

When you recall the memory, you’re recalling events that happened. But the timeline is jumbled or confused with the assortment of events that now form a singular memory in your mind.


The emotions of a moment may have a significant impact on how and what’s stored as a memory. Recent research suggests negative emotions lead to more false memories than positive or neutral emotions.

Therapeutic memory recovery is controversial. Psychotherapy techniques, like hypnosis and guided meditation, have been used as a way for people to find suppressed memories. These memories are often traumatic, such as childhood sexual abuse.

These memories may directly relate to a person’s behavior today. They may inform their identify and relationships. This is called false memory syndrome, or the creation of a reality around a memory that isn’t true.


记忆不是永久性的。事实上,它的柔软和often ever-changing. Certain people or events may make you more likely to develop false memories. These include:

Eye witnessing




Research 建议有创伤史的人depression, orstressmay be more likely to produce false memories. Negative events may produce more false memories than positive or neutral ones.



They may be more likely to create false memories because they don’t have confidence in their own memories. This often leads to the repetitive or compulsive behaviors that are associated with this disorder.



For example, you may remember you went to the beach on your honeymoon, but you don’t remember the name of the hotel, what the weather was like, or even the city you stayed in.

The only answer or treatment for false memories is independent evidence that corroborates or disproves your memories.

Yes, false memories may seem quite real and even highly emotional. Your confidence in them makes them feel more tangible, but it doesn’t guarantee authenticity.

同样,虚假记忆的存在并不意味着您的记忆不好,或者您正在发展一种记忆障碍,例如痴呆症或Alzheimer’s disease.

False memories, for better or worse, are an element of being human and not having an impermeable brain.

错误的回忆并不罕见。每个人都有他们。它们的范围从小而琐碎,就像您的位置swearyou put your keys last night, to significant, like how an accident happened or what you saw during a crime.

False memories can happen to anyone. Some people may be more likely to experience them. The good news is most false memories are harmless and may even produce some laughs when your story conflicts with someone else’s memory of it.