A cataract is a cloudy area that forms in the lens of your eye. Cataracts can develop when proteins break down and clump together in your eye’s lens.Cataractscan eventually cause blurred vision and make it harder to see properly.

白内障手术is a common outpatient procedure that involves removing the lens of your eye and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL), which functions just as your natural lens does.

According to the American Optometric Association, approximately90%of patients report having better vision after having cataract surgery.

After cataract surgery, it’s normal for your vision to be blurry at first as your eye recovers. The blurred vision will typically go away within a few days.

Although cataract surgery is generally a safe procedure, there is, as with any surgical procedure, the risk of complications. These complications may increase the risk of ongoing blurry vision.



Not everyone will recover from cataract surgery at the same pace. Some people may have clear vision within a day after having cataract surgery. But for other people it may take several days for blurred vision to go away.


Although it’s common to experience blurred vision after cataract surgery, it usually clears up within several days. If your blurred vision continues, it could be due to a variety of factors. Let’s look at these in more detail.



Inflammation should resolve with medication as your eye heals. You can expect an improvement in your vision within a few days of surgery. Doctors prescribe medication after surgery to help the healing process.


Dry eyes


According to a 2019 study , cataract surgery can increase the risk of dry eyes due to:

  • longer-term use of antibiotic-steroid eye drops before and after surgery
  • the disruption of the tear film in the eye during surgery
  • decreased production of lubricants and tears in the eye due to the surgical incision

This same study found that around 64 percent of the study participants experienced mild dry eyes after cataract surgery. However, some types of cataract surgery had a higher incidence of dry eyes than others.

One of the best ways to alleviate dry eye symptoms is to use over-the-counter (OTC) artificial tears. These are eye drops that help lubricate your eyes. When your eyes are lubricated, it can help alleviate blurred vision.

If you use artificial tearsmore than 6 times a day,或者,如果您对防腐剂过敏,请改用无防腐剂的眼部滴。

Talk to your ophthalmologist if your dry eye symptoms don’t clear up, or if they get worse.


后囊式不透明(PCO) is also known as a “secondary cataract,” although it’s not actually a cataract. Instead, it’s an opaque film that can grow over the membrane that holds your new lens in place.

This film can cause your vision to become blurry or cloudy, much like the symptoms you experienced when you had cataracts.

PCO is fairly common after cataract surgery, and is thought to affect about20 percentof patients.

The treatment for PCO involves a quick, painless procedure called YAG laser capsulotomy. It can be done at your ophthalmologist’s office and typically only takes about 5 minutes. This laser procedure is typically covered by insurance and Medicare.

Retinal detachment

Retinal detachmentoccurs when the retina breaks away from the eye, causing obstructed, blurred, or shadowy vision. Some people also experience flashes of light or floating objects in their field of vision.

This complication is rare. A2018 reviewsuggests that it affects 0.7 percent of people who undergo cataract surgery. People who have additional eye conditions are at an increased risk.

Retinal detachment is serious. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision loss. Seek medical attention right away if you experience sudden changes in vision following cataract surgery.

Cystoid macular edema


CME affectsup to 2 percent白内障手术患者。这种情况也可能导致肿胀,通常在手术后6至8周出现。

Treatment for CME typically includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) eye drops. This condition most often resolves within a few months.

Although your vision might be blurry immediately after surgery, it should start to improve within a few days. You might also notice that colors appear brighter, since cataracts tend to cause colors to look duller.

It can take several months to heal fully, but you can speed up thehealing processby following your doctor’s instructions. This includes:

  • 晚上戴防护眼罩在勒ast a week after surgery
  • using eyedrops and/or taking other medications as prescribed
  • avoiding strenuous activity for a couple of weeks after surgery
  • not bending over at your waist for at least a week
  • not rubbing or pushing on your eye
  • avoiding substances that could irritate your eyes, such as makeup, soap, and dust
  • not swimming for 4 to 6 weeks

Your ophthalmologist will schedule several follow-up appointments to ensure your eyes are healing well.


Seek medical attention if you experience:

  • a sudden decrease or loss of vision
  • 您的眼睛突然闪烁的光线
  • 眼睛排放
  • pain that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter painkillers
  • an increase in redness or swelling

白内障手术is generally a safe procedure with a high success rate. The vast majority of patients experience improved vision after having cataract surgery.

Blurred vision is normal in the days immediately following cataract surgery. Your vision should improve as your eyes heal. This timeframe can vary depending on the type of cataract surgery, your overall health, age, and whether you have other eye conditions.

There are some surgery complications that can cause blurred vision. If you have ongoing blurry vision or other unusual symptoms after your cataract surgery, follow up with your doctor or ophthalmologist.