
If you’re planning to travel outdoors, be prepared to deal with all sorts of weather. This might mean extremely rainy days or extremely dry days, and from the hottest daytime hours to the coldest nights.

The human body has a normal core temperature between 97˚F and 99˚F, but on average, a normal body temperature is 98.6˚F (37˚C). To maintain this temperature without the help of warming or cooling devices, the surrounding environment needs to be at about 82˚F (28˚C). Clothes aren’t just for looks — they’re necessary to keep warm. You can usually bundle up in more layers during colder months, and you can use fans or air conditioners in warmer months to maintain a healthy core temperature.

In some cases, you may find yourself in an environment with extreme temperatures. It’s crucial to know what health concerns you may face as well as how to avoid any temperature-related health problems.

First, note that the temperature reading on a thermometer is not necessarily the temperature that you should be concerned about. The relative humidity in your environment can affect the temperature you actually feel, which is called the “apparent temperature.” Some example scenarios include:

  • If the air temperature reads 85˚F (29˚C), but there’s zero humidity, the temperature will actually feel like it’s 78˚F (26 ˚C).
  • If the air temperature reads 85˚F (29˚C), with 80 percent humidity, it will actually feel like 97˚F (36˚C).


Other heat-related illnesses include:

  • 中暑
  • 心脏病
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • 热肿胀
  • 晕倒


症状of heat-related illness depend on the type and the severity of the illness.


  • sweating heavily
  • 疲惫或疲劳
  • 头晕或头晕
  • blacking out or feeling dizzy when standing up
  • weak but fast pulse
  • 恶心的感觉
  • vomiting

症状of heatstroke include:

  • 红色的皮肤感觉很热
  • 强壮脉搏
  • losing consciousness
  • internal body temperature over 103˚F (39˚C)


If someone loses consciousness and shows one or more of the symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, call 911 right away.


To treat heatstroke, cover yourself with cold, damp cloths or take a cold bath to normalize your body temperature. Get out of the heat immediately to a place with a lower temperature. Don’t drink anything until you (or the person experiencing heatstroke) receive medical attention.


Stay well-hydrated to best avoid heat-related illness. Drink enough fluids so that your urine is light-colored or clear. Don’t rely solely on thirst as a guide to how much liquid you should be drinking. When you lose a lot of fluids or sweat profusely, be sure to replace electrolytes as well.


Try to avoid places that can get extremely hot, such as inside cars. Never leave another person, child, or pet, even for short periods of time.

Risk factors


  • 年龄在4岁以上的年龄超过65岁
  • 暴露于突然的天气从寒冷变为热
  • being overweight or obese
  • 服用利尿剂和抗组胺药等药物
  • using illicit drugs such as cocaine
  • 暴露于高温指数(measurement of both heat and humidity)


Some cold-related illnesses include:

  • 低温
  • frostbite
  • 沟渠脚(或“沉浸式脚”)
  • chilblains
  • 雷诺的现象
  • cold-induced hives

In addition to these illnesses, winter weather can cause major inconveniences for travelers. Always be prepared to deal with heavy snow and extreme cold, whether you’re on the road or at home.



  • shivering
  • an increased heart rate
  • a slight decrease in coordination
  • an increased urge to urinate


  • decrease or stop shivering
  • 陷入昏昏欲睡
  • 感到困倦
  • be unable to walk
  • experience quick alternations between rapid heart rate and breathing too slowly
  • shallow breathing


  • minimal breathing
  • 贫穷而没有反射
  • inability to move or respond to stimuli
  • 低血压
  • 可能是昏迷



If someone passes out, shows multiple symptoms listed above, and has a body temperature of 95˚F (35˚C) or lower, call 911 immediately. Perform CPR if the person isn’t breathing or doesn’t have a pulse.

To treat hypothermia, get out of the cold as soon as possible and to a warmer environment. Remove any damp or wet clothing and start warming up the middle areas of your body, including your head, neck, and chest, with a heating pad or against the skin of someone with a normal body temperature. Drink something warm to gradually increase your body temperature, but don’t have anything alcoholic.

Even after you begin to feel warm again, stay dry and keep yourself wrapped up in a warm blanket. Seek medical help right away to minimize the harm to your body.

To treat frostbite, soak the affected area in warm water no hotter than 105˚F (40˚C) and wrap it in gauze. Keep any toes or fingers affected by frostbite separated from each other to avoid rubbing the areas against each other. Do not rub, use, or walk on frostbitten skin, as this can cause tissue damage. See your doctor if you still can’t feel anything on your frostbitten skin after 30 minutes.




  • eat substantial meals regularly and drink plenty of water
  • avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine
  • remain inside near a source of heat
  • 戴上帽子,无檐小便帽或类似的东西,以保持热量和手套或手套
  • wear multiple layers of clothing
  • use lotion and lip balm to prevent dryness of your skin and lips
  • bring extra clothes to change into in case you get damp or wet
  • 下雪或外面极明亮时戴太阳镜以避免雪失明

Risk factors

Common risk factors for hypothermia and frostbite include:

  • 年龄在4岁以上的年龄超过65岁
  • consuming alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco
  • 脱水
  • exposing skin to extremely cold temperatures, especially when exercising and sweating
  • 在寒冷的温度下潮湿或潮湿