

Exercises that use the TUT method include weightlifting and bodyweight training. In TUT workouts, you slow down the movements of each repetition and spend more time on the difficult phase of the exercise. By slowing down the movement, the muscle is held under tension for a longer period, which may yield better results.



TUT workouts are designed to create tension in your muscles for a longer period of time, which leads to muscle growth. The harder you make your muscles work, the better results you’ll see.



当您注意运动时,您可以专注于适当breathing techniques, alignment, and movement patterns. This helps to develop muscular control and correct posture while stabilizing your body in a way that prevents injuries.

围绕紧张锻炼时间有效性的科学证据各不相同。一个结果2019年研究found that TUT has a negligible effect on resistance exercise training in increasing muscle size and strength.

Other research shows more promising results. A small2016年研究found that making the eccentric phase (lengthening) double the length of the concentric phase (shortening) can have positive results on muscle growth.





Choose a tempo for the lifting, lowering, and pause phases and stick to it. Move through the entire movement instead of stopping short.

TUT can be more challenging since it’s more difficult to remain in a pose for a long time or move your body slowly than it is to rush through movements. You’re more likely to do the movements quickly when the weight is too heavy or you’re feeling tired.

你可以在isometric exercises例如木板,下蹲或弓步。墙壁坐着,头顶固定也是选择。在运动过程中进行等轴测固定时,请选择最困难的位置。


  • Focus on spending more time doing the difficult part of an exercise, which is usually the lengthening or eccentric phase.
  • 为了最大程度的肌肉生长,每次运动至少要进行4至6组6至12次重复。
  • Use a weight load that’s heavy enough to cause muscle fatigue.
  • Over several weeks, you can increase the weight that you’re lifting or do more challenging exercises.
  • 通过在不同的日子瞄准不同的肌肉群,给自己一些时间来恢复锻炼。
  • 通常,力量训练TUT套件持续30到60秒,具体取决于您进行的重复数量以及重量负载。
  • 专注于定时设置,而不是在短时间内进行大量重复。设置一个计时器,并在此时间进行练习,而无需休息。
  • Finish with one set at an even slower tempo.
  • During TUT workouts it’s important to rest between sets. Resting for about 1 minute in between sets is ideal since this gives your muscles enough time to recover before the next round.

Schedule a session with a fitness pro if you would like to take your workouts to the next level. One of the main benefits of having a personal trainer for TUT workouts is that they can help you to keep track of time. It’s natural to lose count or to speed it up once you start to feel tired.

一个小的2015 studyfound that most people didn’t follow the prescribed TUT exercise instructions when they did the exercises on their own. This points to the importance of working regularly with a professional as well as having clear, precise instructions to do the workout on your own.

A trainer can make sure you’re doing the correct amount of reps and sets. Plus, they’ll make sure you stay focused and on point so you can make the best use of your session. You may even end up spending less time in the gym while getting better results.


  • power
  • 力量
  • 肌肉生长(肥大)
  • 肌肉耐力

Trainers have a wealth of experience and can show you exactly how to make improvements to your form, breath, and alignment. Plus, they can ensure you’re doing the workouts correctly in order to ensure safety and efficiency.


Time under tension workouts can enhance your performance and endurance by building bigger, stronger muscles. It’s a great technique to add to your existing workout program, especially if you want to shake up your routine and improve your fitness.
