没有什么比在炎热的夏日游泳更像游泳了。然而,swimmingis also a skill that can save your life. When you know how to swim, you can safely enjoy water activities like kayaking andsurfing.

Swimming is a great workout, too. It forces your body to work against resistance, whichstrengthens your muscles,心脏和肺。

The best way to learn how to swim is to take lessons. Let’s look at the most commonly taught strokes and how to improve your technique.



  1. 脸上浮在水中,身体直而水平。堆叠双手,保持胳膊和腿长。
  2. 将您的拇指放下。将您的手伸出一个圆圈,肘部高。稍微抬起头和吸气。
  3. Bring your hands together in front of your shoulders, thumbs pointing up. Keep your elbows close to your body. Simultaneously bend your knees, bringing your feet toward your butt and pointing your feet outward.
  4. Reach your arms forward. Kick out and back in a circle then snap your feet together. Drop your head underwater and exhale.
  5. Glide forward and repeat.

Pro tip

Keep your legs behind you instead of below you. By maintaining a horizontal body position, you’ll minimize resistance and go faster.




  1. 脸上浮在水中,身体直而水平。堆叠双手,保持胳膊和腿长。
  2. Send your head down and forward and push your hips up. Next, move your head up and push your hips down. Continue alternating like a wave.
  3. When your head goes down, follow with your hips and kick. Send your arms down and past your hips. Simultaneously lift your head to inhale.
  4. 踢并继续身体,将手臂抬起并穿过水。将您的脸放在水中,然后用手臂跟随。呼气。这完成了一个手臂周期。
  5. Repeat. Breathe once every two or three cycles.


  • 对于更快的蝴蝶,请避免夸大波浪状的身体运动。您的臀部应靠近或在地面,而不是上方。将臀部过高或低的移动会减慢您的速度。
  • 将眼睛和鼻子向下指向,也将帮助您快速,快速移动。

Freestyle, also called front crawl, involves a leg movement called the flutter kick. It’s recommended to learn this technique before trying the full stroke. Take a look at the video above to get a visual for this stroke.


  1. 脸上浮在水中,身体直而水平。堆叠双手,保持胳膊和腿长。
  2. 要进行颤抖的脚踢,向上移动一只脚,向下移动一只脚。快速交替,使脚踝松动,膝盖稍微弯曲。
  3. Reach your right hand 12 to 18 inches ahead, palm facing down and in line with your shoulder.
  4. Pull your right hand down and back, pointing your fingers diagonally toward the bottom. Point your elbow upward.
  5. 随着你的右手的流逝你的大腿,你的旋转hip and shoulder upward. Bring your hand up and across the water.
  6. 在水中输入右手,用左手重复。
  7. Repeat. Breathe every two or three strokes as your hand exits the water.


  • 为了加快自由泳的速度,请始终向前伸出。您的手臂笔触应该长而放松,而不是短暂而有力。
  • 将您的鼻子视为中心线。当您伸手拉动时,您的手不应该鼻子。将其与您的肩膀对齐,以推动向前推进。
  • 避免看得太远。这将您的肩膀放在水下,这增加了阻力并使您放慢脚步。
  • 另外,当您踢时,不要弯曲太多。从臀部踢开,保持腿几乎平行以保持速度和平衡。

Beginner swimmers should work with a certified swim instructor. It’s the best way to stay safe and learn the correct technique.

If you’re a beginner swimmer, never enter a pool alone. Always swim with another person until you can float and swim on your own.



When teaching kids how to swim, the experience should be fun and playful. It’s recommended to use songs, toys, and games.

You can also give different techniques fun names. For example, reaching their arms straight ahead can be called “superhero.” See the video above for a visual.

To teach your child how to swim, practice each step until they’re comfortable with each phase:

Simple instructions

  1. Enter the water together, holding their arms or hands to help them stay afloat.
  2. 将您的孩子抱在他们的腋下。要求他们吸气,像超级英雄一样伸出手,然后在水下吹出五秒钟以练习呼气。
  3. 重复并放开,让您的孩子漂浮五秒钟。
  4. 将您的孩子抱在他们的腋下。Ask them to blow five-second bubbles as you walk slowly backward.
  5. 重复,让他们上下脚踢。
  6. Repeat, this time letting go.
  7. To inhale, have your child lift their head, take a breath, and move their hands forward like a tiger.




Simple instructions

  1. Stand up in a pool. Inhale deeply, place your face in the water, and exhale for five seconds.
  2. Repeat in starfish position, floating with your arms and legs spread out.
  3. 抓住游泳池的侧面。吸气并将您的脸放在水中。呼气和颤动踢五秒钟。
  4. Stand with your back to the wall. Extend your arms above your head and stack your hands.
  5. 在水平位置,呼气和颤动踢五秒钟内进入水。

Regardless of your age or level, the following tips will help you get better at swimming.

  • Work with a swim coach.游泳教练可以教您适当的技术并增加对水的信心。
  • 做游泳演习。游泳训练是一种运动,关注specific phase of a stroke. When done regularly, swimming drills can help you perfect your strokes.
  • 正确呼吸。每当你的头在水下时呼气。屏住呼吸会让您感到缠身并减慢您的速度。
  • Take a video.To better understand your own form, have someone film you as you swim. This is a great way to see how you can improve.
  • 看视频。观看教学视频使您可以看到适当的身体定位。
  • 练习,练习,练习。常规练习将改善您的技术和协调。

When you’re ready to take the plunge, look for a swim instructor in your area. You can take private or group lessons. Some instructors teach at public pools, while others teach at their home pool. Choose whatever is most comfortable and convenient for you.

A swimming school is an excellent place to find swim instructors. You can also look at:


Swimming is a lifesaving skill. It allows you to enjoy the water for fun, leisure, or exercise. As a physical activity, swimming strengthens your muscles and cardiovascular fitness.

The best way to learn is to get swim lessons. A certified swim instructor can provide personalized guidance for your age and skill level. With practice and patience, you’ll be swimming in no time.