What is exercise addiction?


  • obsessing over the behavior
  • 即使它造成身体伤害,也要参与行为
  • 尽管想要停下来,但仍然有效
  • 秘密地参与行为。

Exercise causes the release of certain chemicals in the nervous system. These chemicals create a sense of pleasure or reward. Exercise addiction may be, in part, a dependence on this pleasure response.

Extreme weight loss and health conditions related to weight loss could result from exercise addiction.

Exercise releases endorphins and dopamine. These are the same neurotransmitters released during drug use. An exercise addict feels reward and joy when exercising. When they stop exercising, the neurotransmitters go away. An addict has to exercise more to trigger the chemical release.

Exercise addiction usually starts with a desire for physical fitness. An eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, may lead to an unhealthy obsession with exercise. A body dysmorphic disorder, or body image disorder, may also cause exercise addiction.


研究人员在 University of Southern California speculate that 15 percent of exercise addicts are also addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, or illicit drugs. An estimated 25 percent may have other addictions, such as sex addiction or shopping addiction.

In some cases, former drug addicts and alcohol abusers turn to exercise to fill the void left by past addictions. This is similar to the way a smoker may become addicted to caffeine after quitting cigarettes.


  • feeling buzzed after exercising
  • experiencing withdrawal symptoms after long periods without exercise
  • experiencing uncontrollable desires to exercise
  • 减少其他生活领域的活动,以制造运动
  • spending long periods of time preparing for, and recovering from, exercise
  • 经历无法粘在减少的运动常规中

Exercise addiction isn’t always easy to diagnose. Most exercise addicts don’t see anything wrong with their behavior and don’t report it. It is also not a diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which means that there are not specific diagnostic criteria to use in its diagnosis.

Increased fitness obsession and decreased social activity commonly indicate exercise addiction. A doctor may ask you to keep a journal of your workout routines and social activities to determine if you are demonstrating abnormal exercise patterns.



To prevent exercise addiction, avoid excessive trips to the gym. Limit your workout time and the amount of daily exercise.

Take breaks from exercise throughout the week to let your body rest. If you find yourself becoming obsessed with exercising talk to your doctor about what you can do.

表示“状态”al and physical dedication can treat exercise addiction. Exercise addicts should avoid drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that can be addictive.
