An exchange transfusion is a medical procedure that’s done by removing and replacing your blood with血液or等离子体来自捐助者。这是通过使用导管将血液输送到您体内的。

An exchange transfusion is typically used to treat life-threatening blood abnormalities, such as血液cell disorders, in both children and adults.


An exchange transfusion can help reduce or stop the symptoms of conditions likejaundice或像血液疾病一样镰状细胞性贫血

Jaundice happens when too much of a chemical called bilirubin builds up in your body. This can cause yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.

这很普遍in newborns在生命的头几周,尤其是在怀孕第38周之前出生的孩子。


According to the 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) , SCD affects nearly 100,000 Americans, and 1 in every 365 Black babies in the United States is born with SCD.

Your doctor may also recommend an exchange transfusion to treat other issues related to your blood chemistry, or to fight against toxic symptoms caused by drugs or poisons.


Here’s how the procedure works:

  1. Your doctor places two small tubes called catheters into a vein in your arm.
  2. 您的血液在周期中被撤回。每个周期需要几分钟,并且导管在每个周期中占用约5-20毫升。
  3. 当每个周期中去除血液时,从另一个导管中泵入体内的血液或血浆新的血浆。

与输血一样,有可能风险和副作用, 包含:

Your doctor will stop the transfusion right away if you experience one of these side effects or reactions. They’ll then decide whether to continue the transfusion or start again later.

It’s also possible (though rare) for donor blood to be contaminated with:


You may be at risk ofiron overloadif you need multiple blood transfusions over a relatively short period of time.


In these cases, your doctor will providechelation therapyto remove the extra iron from your body. Chelation therapy is given either as an oral medication or as an injection.

Lung damage, known as transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), is another rare possible side effect of a blood transfusion.


Before your transfusion, your doctor will give you a simple blood test to confirm your血液type。他们只需要刺你的手指即可获得几滴鲜血。

Your blood is then labeled and sent to a lab where a machine will analyze it to determine your blood type. This ensures that the blood you receive for your transfusion matches your own blood type. If donor blood doesn’t match yours, it will make you sick.

In most cases, you don’t need to change your diet before a blood transfusion.


After your transfusion is completed, your doctor will check your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature.


You may notice some mild bruising around the area where the needles were inserted for a few days after the transfusion.

Your doctor may also recommend follow-up blood tests to monitor your blood.