We all experience stress at some point. Whether it’s daily chronic stress or occasional bumps in the road, stress can sneak up on us at any time.


What is eustress?


Clinical psychiatristDr. Michael Genovese说我们很少将压力视为一件积极的事情,但尤其是那就是 - 积极的压力。他解释说:“令人兴奋或压力的事件会导致体内化学反应。”


“Eustress helps us stay motivated, work toward goals, and feel good about life,” he added.


In terms of opposites, distress and eustress are on either end of the spectrum. Unlike eustress,distresscan make you feel overwhelmed because your resources (physically, mentally, emotionally) are inadequate to meet the demands you’re facing.

有执照的专业顾问凯西·李,马萨诸塞州, says this type ofnegative stress会导致焦虑,抑郁和表现下降。

Working and living outside of our comfort zone is a good thing. It’s when we feel overwhelmed that stress can turn negative. That’s what makes eustress such an important part of our总体健康.

Lee说:“ Eustress产生了积极的兴奋,成就感,意义,满足和福祉的感觉。”他解释说,Eustress很好,因为您从压力源中遇到的挑战感到自信,充分和激发。

心理学家Kara Fasone博士says eustress is all about sufficiently challenging yourself without expending all your resources. This type of stress empowers you to grow in three areas:

  • 在情感上,Eustress可以产生积极的满足感,灵感,动力和流动感。
  • Psychologically, eustress helps us build our self-efficacy, autonomy, and resilience.
  • 身体上,Eustress可以帮助我们建立身体(例如,通过完成具有挑战性的锻炼)。


Fasone shares some ways you may see eustress show up in your life:


在工作中积极压力的一个例子是塔基•ng on a new project that encourages you to leverage existing strengths (which can be incredibly energizing) and requires you to hone existing skills or learn new ones.


Eustress in personal interests

Setting challenging goals around your interests or passions is another example of eustress. As humans, we have an innate ability to learn. Learning new things can be challenging. And growing expertise in an area doesn’t happen in a straight line.

There’s typically that learning stage where you may be absolutely terrible. But you’re learning from those mistakes. As you start seeing small wins and continue to build self-efficacy, you’re motivated to continue learning and improving.

Eustress and travel


At the same time, you’re immersing yourself in a new and interesting place, with various foods to enjoy, new places to see, and a whole culture to experience.


Eustress and physical conditioning

身体上, eustress is exemplified by challenging your body (e.g., lifting weights) to encourage growth (in this case, strength, stamina, and muscle growth).


There’s a good chance you already include positive stress in your life. But if you’re looking for ways to make eustress a part of your every day, Fasone shares a few ideas to get you started:

  • Learn something new every day, whether big or small.
  • 将自己推到工作中的舒适区。这可能意味着承担新的责任或发展新技能。
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise!
  • Learn how to set goals (personal and professional) that are challenging and realistic. Track your progress to hold yourself accountable.

Stress, whether positive or negative, is a normal part of life. We may not have control over some of the negative stress we experience, but we can look for ways to include more eustress in our life.