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True essential oils are extracted naturally, either by steaming or crushing various parts of the plant. Essential oils are often made from tree bark, roots, flowers, leaves, and herbs.

芳香疗法使用精油来改善您的身体,精神或精神健康。在芳香疗法那essential oils are typically inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin. Do not swallow essential oils.

Clinical trials 表明精油可以减少癌症人们的恶心和焦虑。 Other studies 指出了局部施加的精油的抗菌作用。

Although science doesn’t currently have the evidence to support it, many people have long sworn by the effects of essential oils forsnoring

关于45 percentof adults snore at least occasionally and25 percentsnore habitually. Snoring can be more than an inconvenience. Snoring can lead toinsomnia和睡衣伴侣的问题。它也可以是一个叫做严重状况的指标sleep apnea

The data on using essential oils for snoring is limited. A preliminary临床试验由一个精油喉部喷雾器的制造商赞助显示,他们的精选精油的特殊混合物可以有效地减少一些人的打鼾。但是,目前尚不清楚为什么或这些油如何减少打鼾。

Many essential oils are touted for treating snoring and improving sleep.





Peppermint oilhas purifying effects that help clear the sinuses and make it easier to breath. If your snoring gets worse when you’re stuffed up, inhaling peppermint oil may help.


Early researchshows thateucalyptuscan help break up the mucus in your respiratory system, including your sinuses and the back of your throat.

People use eucalyptus oil to relieve the symptoms of哮喘andbronchitis


Cedarwood.has a woody smell that can help reduce anxiety and relax muscles. It may help you enter a state of relaxation helpful to sleep.


The fresh citrus scent of lemon oil has been shown 改善情绪。通过减少焦虑和促进幸福感的感觉可能有所帮助。





An essential oil derived from pine needles, pine oil has both 抗微生物和抗氧化性能

Aromatherapy experts also use it to massage stressed muscles and sore joints.按摩疗法是一种有效的失眠治疗。


Fennelmay have some anti-inflammatory properties. Some people can use it to reduce inflammation in their nose and throat and improve the flow of air through their nasal passageways.


Sage oils长期以来已经用于他们的药物价值。鼠尾草油可能对呼吸道感染有效,例如普通感冒。它也可能有助于提高您的流通。


饮酒实际上是打鼾的常见原因。Citronella Oil具有解毒的性质,可以帮助您排尿和出汗毒素。



It’s often helpful for the partners of people who snore, too.


玛乔拉姆has expectorant properties that may help break up some of the mucus obstructing your breathing during the night.


Valerian root具有强大的镇静效果,因此它通常用于天然睡眠补充剂。


Essential oil throat spray for snoring

初步试验from 2004, which haven’t been evaluated by the FDA, an essential oil throat spray calledHelps Stop Snoringshowed some positive results. This particular throat spray is a blend of many of the oils discussed in this article, including:

  • 薄荷
  • lemon
  • clove
  • pine
  • sage
  • eucalyptus
  • 百里香
  • 薰衣草
  • 茴香

睡眠呼吸暂停是一种严重的条件,你的呼吸在睡觉时不断停止并开始。这些剧集通常很快,虽然您可能有多样性30 per hour

最常见的睡眠呼吸暂停,obstructive sleep apnea,当你的喉咙里的肌肉放松太多时会发生。发生这种情况时,你的气道狭窄,你无法呼吸很好。

A less common type of sleep apnea,central sleep apnea那happens when your brain has trouble signaling your breathing muscles.

Common symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • loud snoring
  • episodes of stopped breathing witnessed by your sleep partner
  • 突然醒来时喘着粗气,哼了一口气或呼吸急促
  • excessive sleepiness after a full night’s sleep
  • trouble staying asleep

睡眠呼吸暂停is caused by physical obstructions in your airway or by neurological problems. Essential oils are unlikely to help improve these problems, however, lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or losing weight can make a big difference.

戒烟可以是非常困难的。创建一个访问医生smoking cessation plan that’s right for you.

There are several ways to use essential oils for snoring:

  • diffuse into the air and breath in
  • add diluted oil to a hot bath
  • 将几滴油加入一杯水中,漱口30至60秒
  • add essential oil to a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and massage into your skin
  • 将几滴稀释的精油添加到脚的底部

精油should always be diluted in a载体油。The typical recipe is 4 to 6 drops per ounce of sweet almond, coconut, or another oil.



If you’re on medications or have preexisting conditions, talk to your doctor before using essential oils in any way.

如果您认为您或您的伴侣有睡眠呼吸暂停,请与医生预约。睡眠呼吸暂停是一种严重的条件,可以提高您的风险high blood pressureheart disease那anddiabetes

If your snoring has become severe and is interfering with your life, go to a doctor. They can run diagnostic tests to help determine what’s causing your problems.

These tests may include:

  • An X-ray.在anX-ray那your doctor will look at the structure of your airway.
  • An inpatient sleep study.在this type of sleep study, you’ll be hooked up to equipment to monitor your breathing while you sleep. This is known as apolysomnography
  • 一个家庭睡眠学习。You can also do a sleep study at home. Your doctor will give you equipment to monitor oxygen levels and other vitals while you sleep.

Snoring can be a serious problem that prevents both you and your partner from getting a good night’s sleep. Essential oils may help reduce your symptoms and promote healthy sleep.

If you have continuous trouble sleeping or with snoring, see a doctor. They can help you determine if essential oils or other options are right for you.