
气味很强大 - 它们可以触发记忆并对我们的身体系统产生影响。不相信我们吗?尝试嗅松树或闻到一些新鲜的烤饼干,而不是微笑!




Because essential oils are concentrated, they’re not meant to be ingested. It’s also important to be careful when applying essential oils to your skin, as they must be diluted in another oil (called acarrier oil) like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil before being applied. Once diluted, essential oils can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled as aromatherapy.


If you feel your hormones might need some harmonizing before you conceive,clary sage oilhas been linked to estrogen balancing, according to a 2017 study 。Estrogen is a necessary hormone for conception.

但是,一旦怀孕,使用这种精油可能不合适。轶事 - 未研究 - 报告声称可能导致子宫收缩。需要研究来证明这一点,因此最好避免我们知道更多。

There are several ways to use clary sage essential oil, including diluting it in a carrier oil and massaging it into the skin.

柑橘精油(,lemon, 和grapefruit)可能有助于增加能量并改善情绪。例如, one 2015 study 发现橙色精油有助于减轻劳动中女性的焦虑。虽然您可能还没有在那里 - 焦虑 可能 negatively impact fertility, so using orange essential oil as part of an aromatherapy session may prove helpful.

作为额外的奖励,一些柑橘精油(特别是柠檬)可以帮助解决恶心的胃 2014年研究 ,当您怀孕时,这可能非常有用。


Sandalwood essential oilcan also be beneficial to men and women when it comes to fertility. It’s been widely suggested — though without much researched support — that sandalwood can boost testosterone in men, which may result in a higher libido. Sandalwood may also be anaphrodisiac for women


Like clary sage,geranium是另一种可能有助于雌激素产生的精油。至少 一项研究 已经表明,天竺葵精油有益于刺激唾液雌激素。还发现它可以减轻焦虑和缓解抑郁症的情绪,这两种情绪都可能阻碍生育能力。


相信有aphrodisiac qualities,Ylang Ylang精油can also help to ease some of the symptoms associated with menstrual cramps while you wait to conceive.

一个小的2014年的研究建议Ylang Ylang精油can help to induce euphoric feelings that lead to increased self-esteem and better mental health — something that can be very beneficial on the harder days of your fertility journey.

Diffusing ylang ylang can fill the room with its positive, love-inducing scent. To aid with menstrual pains, ylang ylang should be applied in a cream or massage oil form to the abdominal area.

薄荷精油is energizing and mood lifting. Anecdotally (and through limitedresearch), it’s believed to help ease headaches and migraine attacks, which have beenlinked子宫内膜异位症不孕的常见原因。This oil is also safe for pregnancy and can be very helpful, according to this 2018 study ,一旦您开始经历孕吐。


如果您对受孕感到压力,lavender essential oil这可能会帮助您放松并降低体内皮质醇水平 2016 study 。(As an added bonus, it may help you to get some sleep, so you can feel more rested and focused to handle the other parts of your life.)

Lavender can be incorporated into massage oils, sprayed onto pillowcases, used in a diffuser, or even just quickly whiffed from the bottle for some immediate relaxation.





  • toxicity
  • 缺乏研究
  • uterine contractions
  • traditional/folk use in very large quantities to inducehome abortions


  • 生姜(以浓缩药物量可能会影响月经)
  • 玫瑰mary
  • 罗勒
  • aniseed
  • 桦木
  • hyssop
  • 玫瑰
  • mugwort
  • parsley (high doses may impact uterine muscles)
  • 刺柏梅
  • 茉莉花
  • 肉豆蔻
  • 智者
  • Pennyroyal
  • 坦西
  • 龙蒿
  • thuja
  • wintergreen
  • wormwood

There’s still much more research to be done around essential oils and fertility. While we wait for that research to happen, you can indulge in the effects of some essential oils that may help put you in the best possible state to conceive.


If you’re actively trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful for 6 months or more, speak with your doctor. They can suggest tests and procedures to help you find answers about why you’re not conceiving. Remember, while potentially a great tool for health and wellness, essential oils are most effective when combined with other healthy lifestyle habits.