The adult human body is home to trillions of红细胞, also known as RBCs or erythrocytes. These blood cells carry oxygen, iron, and many other nutrients to the appropriate places in the body.

When a woman is pregnant, it’s possible that her baby’s blood type will be incompatible with her own. This can cause a condition known as erythroblastosis fetalis, where the mother’s白细胞(WBC)attack the baby’s RBCs as they would any foreign invaders.


Erythroblastosis fetalis is now known as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Babies who experience erythroblastosis fetalis symptoms may appear swollen, pale, or黄疸after birth. A doctor may find that the baby has a larger-than-normalliver或者spleen

Babies who experience erythroblastosis fetalis symptoms may appear swollen, pale, or黄疸after birth. A doctor may find that the baby has a larger-than-normalliver或者spleen

Blood tests can also reveal that the baby has贫血或者a low RBC count. Babies can also experience a condition known ashydrops fetalis,流体开始在通常不存在流体的空间中积聚。这包括:

There are two main causes of erythroblastosis fetalis:RH不兼容ABO incompatibility。两个原因都与血型。There are four blood types:

  • A
  • B
  • AB
  • O

In addition, blood can be either Rh positive or Rh negative. For example, if you’re type A and Rh positive, you have A antigens and Rh factor antigens on the surface of your RBCs. Antigens are substances that trigger an immune response in your body. If you have AB negative blood, then you have both A and B antigens without the Rh factor antigen.


RH不兼容occurs when a Rh-negative mother is impregnated by a Rh-positive father. The result can be a Rh-positive baby. In such a case, your baby’s Rh antigens will be perceived as foreign invaders, the way viruses or bacteria are perceived.


However, when the Rh-positive child is born, your body will create antibodies against the Rh factor. These antibodies will attack the blood cells if you ever become pregnant with another Rh-positive baby.

ABO incompatibility

Another type of blood type mismatch that can cause maternal antibodies against her baby’s blood cells is ABO incompatibility.


However, babies can carry rare antigens that can put them at risk for erythroblastosis fetalis. These antigens include:

  • Kell
  • Duffy
  • Kidd
  • Lutheran
  • 迭戈
  • Xg
  • P
  • EE
  • Cc
  • MNSS

为了诊断胎毛胎儿,医生将订购routine blood test在你期间first prenatal visit。They’ll test for your血型

The test will also help them determine whether you have anti-Rh antibodies in your blood from a previous pregnancy.

The fetus’s blood type is rarely tested. It’s difficult to test for a fetus’s blood type and doing so can increase the risk for complications.







ABO incompatibility

If your baby is黄疸after birth, but Rh incompatibility isn’t a concern, the baby may be experiencing problems due to ABO incompatibility. ABO incompatibility occurs most frequently when a mother with an O blood type gives birth to a baby who has an A, B, or AB blood type.


ABO incompatibility can be detected via a blood test known as aCOOMBS测试。该测试以及确定婴儿血型的测试是在婴儿出生后进行的。它可以表明为什么婴儿可能看起来很黄疸或贫血。

These tests are usually done for all babies whose mothers have type O blood.

如果婴儿在子宫中经历红细胞生成胎儿,则可以给予宫内blood transfusions减少贫血。当婴儿的lungs and heart mature enough for delivery, a doctor may recommend早点分娩

After a baby is born, further blood transfusions may be necessary. Giving the babyfluids intravenouslycan improvelow blood pressure。婴儿可能还需要呼吸机或机械呼吸机的临时呼吸支撑。


However, if properprenatal care and postpartum careare delivered, erythroblastosis fetalis should be prevented and the baby shouldn’t experience long-term complications.

