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When you think of erectile dysfunction (ED), you probably think of Viagra. That’s because Viagra was the first oral pill to treat ED. It was approved 1998年食品药品监督管理局(FDA)。


Although Viagra is considered to be the most common prescription medication for ED, quite a few are on the market. They all work by improving blood flow to the penis so that you can get and maintain an erection long enough to have sex.

Because of each medication’s unique chemical makeup, you may react differently to each of them. It may take a little trial and error to determine which one works best for you.

Taking oral medications isn’t enough to provide an erection. These medications are designed to work alongside physical or emotional sexual stimulation to prompt an erection.

Other prescription medications used to treat ED include:

Tadalafil (Cialis)

Cialis is an oral tablet that starts to work about 30 minutes after you take it. It can improve erectile function for up to 36 hours. The starting daily dose range is 2.5 milligrams to 5 milligrams, but it can be increased or decreased as necessary. You take it as needed, but never more than once per day. You can take Cialis with or without food.

There’s also a once-per-day version. These 2.5-milligram tablets must be taken at the same time every day.

Vardenafil (Levitra)

Take Levitra about 1 hour before sexual activity. The starting dose is usually 10 milligrams. Don’t take it more than once per day. You can take these oral tablets with or without food.


Staxyn is different from the other ED drugs because you don’t swallow it with water. Instead, you place the tablet on your tongue and allow it to dissolve. Do this about 1 hour before sexual activity.

Don’t crush or split the tablet. You can take it with or without meals, but not with liquids. The tablets contain 10 milligrams of medication. Don’t take Staxyn more than once per day.

Avanafil (Stendra)

Stendra comes in 50-, 100-, and 200-milligram tablets. You take it about 15 to 30 minutes before sexual activity, but never more than once per day. You can take it with or without food.

Risk factors and side effects

Before taking any ED medication, tell your doctor about any preexisting health conditions you have. Also, discuss any other drugs or supplements you’re currently taking. Some ED medications can interact with other medications and cause serious side effects.

Don’t take ED medications if you:

  • take nitrates, which are usually prescribed for chest pain, or angina
  • 血压低或低血压

Additionally, your doctor may advise against taking ED medications if you:

  • 服用可能与ED药物相互作用的其他药物
  • have uncontrolled high blood pressure, or hypertension
  • have liver disease
  • 由于肾脏疾病引起的透析

The most common side effects of ED drugs are temporary. They include:

  • 头痛
  • 消化不良或胃部不适
  • back pain
  • muscle aches
  • 冲洗
  • stuffy or runny nose

Although it’s uncommon, some ED drugs can cause a painful erection that won’t go away. This is known as priapism. If an erection lasts too long, it can damage your penis. If your erection lasts more than 4 hours, seek immediate medical attention.

Other uncommon symptoms of ED medication are changes to hearing and vision, including color vision.

If you take medication for other health conditions, you may not be able to take an oral medication for ED. Although a fewnatural remediesmay work to relieve your symptoms, more research is needed to determine their effectiveness. Many products claim to cure ED, but there isn’t always enough research that backs up those claims.



L-精氨酸是一种氨基酸。一 small 1999 study found that oral L-arginine was no better than a placebo in treating ED, but another small study 发现一些证据表明,高剂量的L-精氨酸可以改善血液流动并有助于ED。使用的潜在副作用包括恶心,抽筋和腹泻。如果您服用伟哥,请不要服用。



红色人参is an herbal supplement. A 2008系统评论 of 7 studies found thatred ginsengmay be effective in treating ED. Researchers cautioned that more high quality studies are needed to better determine the potential benefits and risks of this supplement.


Tell your doctor if you’re taking other medications because they can interact with the supplement and lead to harmful side effects. Ginseng may lower blood sugar levels, so use it with caution if you take medication for diabetes.


针刺is an ancient healing practice used for a variety of conditions. Although it’s been suggested that acupuncture can treat ED, there’s little evidence regarding its effectiveness.

A2016系统评论failed to prove that acupuncture alone was effective in treating ED. The authors did note the small sample size and poor quality of the studies involved. More research is needed.

If you’re considering acupuncture, search for a qualified and certified practitioner.

Check out melatonin as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

There are几个选项除了诸如Cialis之类的口服药物外,还可以治疗勃起功能障碍,包括:

Make an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional if you’re frequently:

  • concerned about the overall firmness of your erection
  • 无法获得或保持勃起
  • stressed or concerned about your sexual performance

These could be symptoms of ED.

ED may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, so it’s important to meet with your doctor. Also mention to your doctor any other symptoms you may be experiencing. They can help you determine whether your ED is isolated or related to something else. Treating the underlying condition may resolve the problem.

Other tips to keep in mind while treating ED:

  • 始终按照指示服用ED药物。在增加剂量之前,请与您的医生交谈,并报告任何令人不安的副作用。
  • Don’t mix treatments. Taking an oral medication while using a natural remedy may cause harmful side effects.
  • 天然并不总是意味着安全。草药或其他饮食补充剂可以与药物相互作用。考虑新事物时,请咨询您的医生或药剂师,并确保报告副作用。

Aside from drugs and herbal remedies, certain lifestyle factors can contribute to ED. Whatever treatment you choose, it may help if you also:

  • 避免或限制使用酒精。
  • Quit抽烟,如果你抽烟。
  • Maintain a moderate weight.
  • 每天晚上都有足够的睡眠。
  • Engage in regular exercise, including aerobic exercise.
  • Try pelvic floor exercises. A small 2005 study 结论是,骨盆底练习应该是治疗ED的一线方法。


Other methods to treat ED include blood vessel surgery, vacuum pumps, and penile implants. If the problem persists, talk with your doctor about these and other alternatives.
