
勃起功能障碍(ED), also called impotence, can be caused by a range of physical and psychological factors. Among them is cigarette smoking. It’s not surprising since smoking can damage your blood vessels, and ED is often a result of poor arterial blood supply to the penis. Fortunately, if you quit smoking, your vascular and sexual health and performance are likely to improve.

There are manyhealth risks of smoking. Cigarette smoking can damage just about every part of your body. The chemicals in cigarette smoke injure the lining of your blood vessels and affect the way they function. Those chemicals can also harm your heart, brain, kidneys, and other tissues throughout the body.

The risk of smoking to your erectile health is due to the effects of cigarette chemicals on the blood vessels in the penis. An erection results when the arteries in the penis expand and fill with blood after receiving signals from nerves in the penis. The nerves respond to sexual arousal signals from the brain. Even if the nervous system is operating well, an erection might not be physically possible if the blood vessels are unhealthy due to smoking.

当ED往往更常见,因为男人变老,它可以在任何成年人年龄发展。2005年的研究American Journal of Epidemiology建议,与那些从未做过的人相比,艾德更有可能吸烟。但是,在艾德的年轻人中,吸烟是很可能的原因。

If you are a heavy smoker, research suggests the odds of developing ED are much higher. However, quitting smoking can improve ED symptoms. Your age, the severity of your ED before quitting smoking, and other major health problems may reduce the degree that healthy erectile function can return.


If you’ve tried to quit smoking and been unsuccessful, don’t assume quitting is impossible. Take a new approach this time. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends the following steps to help you quit smoking:

  • 列出您想要退出的原因以及为什么您之前尝试退出的尝试不成功。
  • Pay attention to your smoking triggers, such as drinking alcohol or coffee.
  • Get support from family and friends. It’s OK to admit that you need assistance in overcoming a powerful addiction like smoking.
  • 跟你的医生谈谈处方-the-counter medications designed to help with smoking cessation. If a medication seems like a good choice, follow the medication’s instructions.
  • Find new alternatives to smoking and activities that can distract you from cigarette cravings, such as exercise or hobbies to occupy your hands and your mind.
  • 为渴望和挫折做好准备。仅仅因为你滑倒并有一支烟并不意味​​着你不能回到轨道并成功。