勃起功能障碍(ed)当有阴茎不能拥有或保持勃起时发生。条件影响周围 3000万 men in the U.S., and is more common in people who:

The治疗ed.depends on its cause. It may include certain prescriptionmedications, a vacuum device, or even surgery. But lifestyle changes and other natural treatments can also help improve ED.



Eating abalanced dietmay help maintain sexual function and decrease your risk of ED.

一种 2020年的研究 发现更严格遵循的男人Mediterranean diet或替代的健康饮食指数2010饮食有较低的开发ed的机会。特别是,它们消耗了更少的红色或加工肉,主要是吃:

  • fruits
  • 蔬菜
  • 豆类
  • 坚果


These foods are important for your overall health, so helping maintain or improve your sexual function as well is a win-win.

研究indicates thatphysical activity可能有助于防止和改进ed。如果您的ed是由此引起的,它可能特别有效obesity, inactivity, or心血管疾病以及其他条件。

一种 2018年研究评论 found that moderate-to-intense有氧运动for 40 minutes a day, four times per week for 6 months helped reduce ED. This includes exercises like:

  • running
  • brisk walking
  • 骑自行车
  • swimming
  • 滑雪


对你的整体健康变得足够重要sleepeach night. Sleeping regularly may also improve your ED.

一种study from 2017发现人们努力报告的夜班更糟糕的睡眠质量were at higher risk for ED.

一种large 2015年研究 还表明,具有睡眠障碍的人具有更大的开发ed的风险。其他 研究 has linked obstructive睡眠呼吸暂停to an increased chance of ED.

Not getting enough sleep canlower your testosterone水平,可能有助于编辑。持续缺乏睡眠也与与ED相关的条件相关联糖尿病和高血压。


一种ccording to a研究review from 2020,在超重的男性中,艾德更常见,或者肥胖或腰围更大的腰部。


If your weight is contributing to your ED, exercise and a balanced diet can help you lose weight and improve your ED.

在某些情况下,ED结果由物理和物理和心理问题。These may include fear of failure, religious beliefs, and sexual trauma, among others.


一种ccording to a2021年研究评论,心理干预措施认知行为治疗were especially effective when paired with ED medications. Mental health interventions may also be effective on their own, but more research is needed.


More research should be done to determine the most effective types of psychotherapy for ED.

大约 10 to 25 percent of men with ED have no known risk factors. This condition, known as non-organic ED, may be caused by mental health issues likedepression或通过体验anxiety when having sex


It may also be helpful to attend counseling with your partner to help them understand your condition and discuss ways to support you.

2016年的研究 labeled ED as a shared health issue for sexual partners and recommended that couples engage in education, counseling, and therapy together.

Mental health issues like stress and anxiety are often linked to ED.

一种 2019 study found that stress was one of the main predictors of ED, with anxiety and depression also associated with the condition. The study suggested that chronic stress may affect testosterone or cause sleep deprivation, which may contribute to ED.


另一个小 study from 2014 found that an 8-week stress management program alongside ED medication was similarly effective for improving ED, compared with the medication alone.


研究表明了效果的混合结果alcoholon ED.

一种 研究review from 2018 found that drinking light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol (less than 21 drinks per week) was actually associated with a lowered risk of ED. On the other hand, regular and high consumption did not significantly affect ED.

此外,其他研究已将饮酒与ED相关联。一种 2018年的研究 发现性功能障碍,特别是ED,含有酒精依赖综合征的人群。一种2020年研究评论also identified alcohol as a risk factor for ED.

需要更多的研究在艾滋病中的酒精作用。一般来说, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that men consume two or less alcoholic drinks per day.



一种ccording to a 研究review from 2015 ,更频繁的吸烟与开发ed的风险增加有关,以及更严重的ed。

Some damage from smoking may not be reversible. Still, the review concluded that quitting smoking, especially for men under age 50, may help improve ED.

It’s challenging to quit smoking, but there are manyresourcesavailable to help. Stopping smoking has the potential not only to help your ED, but to benefit many other areas of your health.

生活方式改变可能是ED的有效自然补救措施,提高您的整体健康状况。但许多变化 - 就像减肥,戒烟或吃均衡的饮食一样 - 可能难以实现。

It may also take time for natural treatments to have an effect. Some people, depending on the cause of their ED, may not show improvements without medications or other treatments. It’s helpful to work with your doctor to find a treatment that works for you.


More research in people needs to be done on herbal remedies and other supplements for ED. If you do decide to try one, be sure to talk with your doctor first. They can help you determine whether the treatment may be safe and if it’ll react with any medications you’re taking.


The most effective treatment for you depends on the underlying cause of your ED. While lifestyle changes tend to be safe while improving ED, they can be difficult to achieve. Oral medications are another primary treatment for ED, but they also don’t work for everyone.

美国泌尿学协会的2018 guidelinesfor ED state that men may choose any option — medication, lifestyle changes, assistive devices, or surgery — to begin treatment. They suggest talking with your doctor about the risks and benefits of each treatment.

Can erectile dysfunction be cured?

If your ED is caused by a lifestyle factor, health condition, or a medication you’re taking, it may be possible to逆转它通过处理underlying cause. Surgery may also cure ED in some cases.



ed是一种影响性伴侣的常见条件。 研究 建议,在一起的诊断,教育和治疗的合作伙伴可以更有效地改善ED,从事性别更加满意。


Side effects这些药物可能包括head,消化不良, and头晕。如果您也服用硝酸盐(胸痛药物),您不应该使用它们。

ED is a common condition that can affect men’s confidence, relationships, and quality of life. The most effective treatment depends on the cause of your ED. Still, natural remedies may help improve your ED and your overall health.


Remember that treatment, particularly lifestyle changes like losing weight or getting more exercise, may take time. Work with your doctor to find the treatment or combination of remedies that work best for you.