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Understanding impotence


一个ccording to theUrology Care Foundation,,,,an estimated 30 million Americans experience ED. The risk of impotenceincreases with age

一个2007年研究published in the American Journal of Medicine noted the risk of impotence increases with age. It’s even higher in men who have also been diagnosed with one or more cardiovascular risk factors.

阳ot通常会对您的性生活产生负面影响,这可能导致depression,,,,additionalstress,,,,and low self-esteem.

Understanding the most common potential causes can help you identify why you may be experiencing the condition.


Diabetes是内分泌疾病的一个例子cause you to experience impotence。糖尿病会影响人体使用激素的能力胰岛素

中的一个并发症与慢性糖尿病有关nerve damage。这会影响阴茎感觉。Other complications associated with diabetes include impairedblood flowand激素水平。这两个因素都可能导致阳ot。

一些neurologic conditionscan increase the risk for impotence. Nerve conditions affect thebrain’s ability生殖系统。这可以阻止您实现勃起。

神经系统疾病associated with impotence include:

如果你’ve hadprostate surgery,您还可以遭受神经损伤,导致阳ot。



Examples of已知会引起阳ot的药物include:

影响该条件heartand它可以很好地抽血的能力can cause impotence. Without enough blood flow to the penis, you can’t achieve an erection.

一个therosclerosis,这种情况会导致血管堵塞,可能会引起阳ot。High cholesterolandhypertensionare also associated with increased risks for impotence.

为了实现勃起,您必须首先经过所谓的兴奋阶段。这个阶段可以是一个情绪反应。如果你have an emotional disorder, it’ll affect your ability to become sexually excited.


Performance anxietycan also cause impotence. If you haven’t been able to achieve an erection in the past, you may fear you won’t be able to achieve an erection in the future.

You may also find that you can’t achieve an erection with a certain partner. If you’ve been diagnosed with ED related to performance anxiety, you may be able to have full erections when masturbating or when sleeping, but unable to maintain an erection during intercourse.

滥用毒品cocaineand苯丙胺can also cause impotence.滥用酒精andalcoholismcan affect your ability to achieve or maintain an erection as well. See your doctor if you suspect that you may have a substance abuse problem.



有多种medical interventionsthat can be used to treat impotence. Prescription treatments for impotence include:

You may also want to consider vascular surgery (to improve blood flow in the penis) orpenile implant surgery

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如果您想避免处方药,则有多种自然疗法known to help treat impotence. Before you use any natural remedies, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Some alternative remedies for impotence include:

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Penis pumps

Penis pumps如果您正在寻找无创,非药物治疗,则是另一种选择。如果您有适度的ED,它们可能最有效。

Lifestyle changes

Whether your impotence has a physical or an emotional cause, there are many cases where lifestyle changes can reduce problems with ED.

一个ccording to the梅奥诊所,这些生活方式和行为改变包括:

You may also want to consider counseling to address any possiblepsychological causes

Impotence has a variety of causes. However, there are still measures you can take to help prevent it.



虽然衰老通常与勃起功能障碍(ED),,,,growing olderisn’t necessarily one of the biggest contributing causes of impotence. ED isn’t considered a natural part of aging. Aging is just a risk factor. Some men never experience impotence.


